Member Benefits

AustralianSuper’s commitment to reconciliation

Date Published: 18/07/2024
Category: Member Benefits


AustralianSuper is committed to reconciliation, and we’re working hard to make sure our products and services are more responsive to the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander members.

Cbus 40 years on: created by workers, for workers

Date Published: 18/07/2024
Category: Member Benefits


1 July 2024 marked Cbus Super’s 40th anniversary since its establishment, after a decisive advance by the building unions to convert a wage increase into superannuation.

Maximise Government Super incentives this tax time

Date Published: 14/06/2024
Category: Member Benefits

Aware Super

Whilst incoming tax cuts will bring some cost-of-living relief to Australian households next month, Aware Super wants all Australians to take advantage of government incentives.

Supporting and investing in the industries that our members work

Date Published: 13/06/2024
Category: Member Benefits

Media Super

For over 30 years, Media Super, which in 2022 merged with Cbus Super, has been committed to working with the print, media, entertainment, arts and broader creative industries.

HESTA advocates for real world impact

Date Published: 01/05/2024
Category: Member Benefits


Eighty percent of HESTA’s one million members are women. We welcomed the Government’s announcement that super will be paid on the Commonwealth Paid Parental Leave (PPL) Scheme from 1 July 2025.

Advocating for a better retirement system

Date Published: 04/04/2024
Category: Member Benefits


Cbus Super made a submission to the Federal Government’s consultation on Superannuation in Retirement about how super can provide security as people live longer lives in retirement.

Praise for plan to pay super on paid parental leave

Date Published: 04/04/2024
Category: Member Benefits

Aware Super

The Commonwealth Government’s commitment to pay superannuation on paid parental leave is a watershed moment for Australia’s parental leave and retirement savings schemes, according to a leading super fund.

Same Age, Same Income, two very different retirements

Date Published: 04/04/2024
Category: Member Benefits

Industry Super Australia

Meet Lyn and Judy: Lynn stuck with her Industry SuperFund in retirement and had $13,306 more in her account than her friend Judy, who switched to a retail super fund.

You can read more details about Lynn and Judy’s story here.

How to recover unpaid super

Date Published: 04/04/2024
Category: Member Benefits


If your employer failed to pay your salary, chances are you’d notice. But what if they didn’t pay your superannuation? Every year, millions of employees miss out on unpaid super1.

Closing the super pay gap

Date Published: 06/03/2024
Category: Member Benefits


Women approaching retirement have around 23% less super than men1, in part due to lower earnings and time out from the workforce. It highlights the issue of the gender super gap, which can make a big difference to the financial future of many Australian women.

A seasonal safety message from CBUS Super

Date Published: 06/12/2023
Category: Member Benefits

Cbus Never automatically click on links in emails or text messages If you’re unsure if the message is genuine, you can contact your service provider directly. Don’t give out your personal details Often scammers will try to trick you into giving them your personal or financial details. Even if they claim to be from a…

Younger workers’ high hopes for retirement

Date Published: 05/12/2023
Category: Member Benefits

Aware Super Australians with more time left in the workforce are expecting a better quality of life when they hang up the boots, but mustn’t overlook the need to plan, experts say. Younger and middle-aged workers are far more likely than their older counterparts to expect a better standard of living in retirement than they…

The value of choosing an Industry Super Fund

Date Published: 04/11/2023
Category: Member Benefits

Ever wondered how being with an industry fund makes a difference to your super? There’s more to it than superior returns and low fees.

Why you should thank a union member for Industry Super

Date Published: 04/11/2023
Category: Member Benefits

Cbus Super This month we pay tribute to Frank O’Grady who recently retired after 11 years as a Member Director at Cbus Super. Frank sat on the Board of United Super Pty Ltd which is the Trustee company (Trustee) of the Construction and Building Unions Superannuation Fund (Cbus). The Trustee is the legal entity which…

Higher for longer, or higher for forever?

Date Published: 04/11/2023
Category: Member Benefits

PartnerVest This is a summary of ‘Allocation Views’ published on 12 October 2023 by Franklin Templeton Investment Solutions. The month of September saw a notable decline in global equities, perhaps driven by surprisingly sharp rises in longer-dated government bond yields across developed markets. All of this occurred against a backdrop of relatively benign inflation and…

Mental health and financial wellbeing

Date Published: 06/10/2023
Category: Member Benefits

AustralianSuper October is Mental Health Month, an opportunity to raise awareness around mental health and wellbeing. This year’s theme is ‘We all have a role to play’ and AustralianSuper is taking this opportunity to highlight the importance of the connection between mental health and financial wellbeing, especially for those facing retirement. You might have heard…

Is it time to check back in with your insurance?

Date Published: 06/09/2023
Category: Member Benefits

HESTA Having insurance through your super account can help ensure you and your family are covered if the worst happens.  At HESTA, all eligible members receive insurance automatically once they’re aged over 25 and have more than $6,000 in their account and their account is not inactive. In fact, some members choose to increase the…

When your life changes, make sure your insurance does too

Date Published: 04/09/2023
Category: Member Benefits

CareSuper You’re probably not the same person you were when you first received your insurance in your super. So, if you’ve had a milestone event, it’s a good idea to reassess your insurance needs to ensure you and your loved ones are protected financially. What’s considered a milestone event? Once you’ve considered these milestone events…

Mind the gap: Why unconscious bias costs Australian women dearly in retirement

Date Published: 04/09/2023
Category: Member Benefits

Aware Super Women face a substantial deficit in their super at retirement compared with men, and the gender pay gap is just part of the problem, a study has found. Australia’s gender pay gap is among factors that will leave women with a $93,0000 superannuation shortfall at retirement compared with men, according to new research….

Don’t miss the return opportunity in fixed income

Date Published: 04/09/2023
Category: Member Benefits

Partnervest Global capital markets have seen strong performance in 2023 despite the backdrop of economic challenges. What are the investment opportunities going forward? Why is fixed income corporate credit offering particularly attractive opportunities right now? I discussed these issues with a group of fixed income experts within Franklin Templeton. Here are my key takeaways from…

Our Super Power: Australia’s super system reduces taxpayer liabilities while increasing benefits for members in retirement

Date Published: 04/09/2023
Category: Member Benefits

Industry Super Australia Two weeks ago, the Federal Government released the latest Intergenerational Report (IGR), which projects the outlook of the economy and the Australian Government’s budget to 2062-63. While the report identified the many complexities of a rapidly ageing population, one of the few “silver” linings for our greying nation was the finding that Australia’s compulsory…

Give young workers the super start they deserve: Expand the Super Guarantee to Under 18’s

Date Published: 07/08/2023
Category: Member Benefits

Industry Super Australia A discriminatory legal relic that largely denies under-18-year-old workers’ super contributions could ultimately cost them more than $10,000, a new Industry Super Australia report warns. Most under-18-year-old workers (about 375,000 people across Australia) are regularly denied super contributions because 90% of them usually work less than 30 hours per week – making…

Focusing on reconciliation

Date Published: 10/07/2023
Category: Member Benefits

AustralianSuper AustralianSuper is helping improve financial literacy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. As Australia’s largest super fund with members from a diverse range of industries and cultures, we acknowledge our role in supporting an inclusive and diverse nation, where the cultural backgrounds of all peoples are recognised and respected. Our vision for reconciliation…

Focus on your future investment goals

Date Published: 10/07/2023
Category: Member Benefits

Cbus Making reactive changes to your investment options that don’t take your long-term goals into account may end up costing you big in retirement.   Although share markets can be impacted by short-term price volatility, they generally deliver strong positive returns over the long term, which is why they make up a considerable part of Cbus…

Protecting your tomorrow, today: Super enshrined as a workplace right

Date Published: 10/07/2023
Category: Member Benefits

Industry Super Australia Last month, the Government passed its “Protecting Worker Entitlements Bill” through parliament. Among other things, the bill adds super to the “National Employment Standards”. This makes super a basic workplace right – bringing the law into line with community expectations.   The change has a real and practical benefit for the one-in-four workers…

Steps on the path to financial wellbeing

Date Published: 06/06/2023
Category: Member Benefits

HESTA A higher cost of living has increased financial hardship for more Australians. We look at why this has happened, and actions you can take to help ease money worries. For many Australians, life is tougher in a post-COVID world. Since 2020, interest rates, mortgages and inflation have risen fast but real wages have gone…

Choosing the right investment option for your super

Date Published: 06/06/2023
Category: Member Benefits

Care Super Like most important decisions in life, there’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to choosing how to invest your super. While most CareSuper members have their super invested in our Balanced investment option (a diversified option that aims to deliver strong long-term returns), members can choose to invest in one or a combination of…

How to supercharge your super

Date Published: 06/06/2023
Category: Member Benefits

Aware Super No matter your age or job, there are plenty of simple ways to make sure you’re maximising your retirement savings. Here, the Aware Super team sets out their top tips. Relax. This isn’t one of those articles. You know the type – the ones urging you to give up ‘just one takeaway coffee…

Term Deposits in an Era of Rising Interest Rates: Is it the Optimal Investment Choice?

Date Published: 06/06/2023
Category: Member Benefits

Partnervest The recent decision by the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) to raise the national cash rate by 25 basis points to 3.85% in May 2023 has sparked renewed interest in term deposits among Australian investors. This increase has left Australians holding savings accounts with the prospect of earning more interest on their wealth. But…

Super for a House: Cementing price-hikes, demolishing retirement outcomes

Date Published: 06/06/2023
Category: Member Benefits

Industry Super Australia The government delivered some great wins for workers’ retirement outcomes in this year’s budget. Mandating that super gets paid with wages, and increasing unpaid super recoupment targets for the ATO, will both considerably diminish Australia’s unpaid super bill. Right now, that bill sees 1-in-4 workers miss out on a combined $5 billion…

When times get tougher

Date Published: 08/05/2023
Category: Member Benefits

HESTA When the financial markets are unpredictable, or inflation is on the rise, it can be tricky knowing how to feel. Here are some tips to help you feel more in control and confident about the future. When it comes to your super… Start by understanding what level of risk is right for you  Understanding…

An unexpected crisis demonstrates the value of intelligent asset allocation

Date Published: 05/05/2023
Category: Member Benefits

Partnervest The recent collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and takeover of Credit Suisse by UBS has reminded investors of the unpredictability of financial markets. While these events have been largely contained through policy responses, they serve as a reminder of the risks inherent in investing. They also highlight the importance of diversification and risk…

Unpaid super recovery

Date Published: 05/05/2023
Category: Member Benefits

Cbus How one Industry Super Fund is helping members recover their unpaid super  In 2021, it was estimated that Australian workers were owed $5 billion in unpaid super.^ That is a huge collective loss of potential retirement savings.   A 21-year-old worker with an annual salary of $50,000, who had superannuation contributions persistently underpaid by…

Government decisively acts to stop the $33 billion scourge of unpaid super 

Date Published: 05/05/2023
Category: Member Benefits

Industry Super Australia The Government is to be congratulated on its decision to change the law and mandate ‘payday super’, a measure that goes a long way to ending the $5 billion a year scourge of unpaid superannuation.   The Treasurer made the announcement ahead of the Federal Budget and said the move to payday…

The crucial questions – understanding the current market

Date Published: 06/04/2023
Category: Member Benefits

Partnervest In moments like these when events are rapidly unfolding and investors struggle to keep up with volatile markets, it is important to step back and ask three crucial questions: Here are our current thoughts: A decade of cheap funding and deposit stability had ended. Over the past decade, zero interest rates made for stable…

Pay super with wages – a super simple solution to help fix the gender super gap

Date Published: 06/04/2023
Category: Member Benefits

Industry Super Australia Women continue to miss out on super due to time spent out of the workforce to care for children and other family members. This contributes to the gender gap, which currently sees women retiring with a third less super than men.  Compounding this problem is the fact that young women on lower…

We need to talk about 3.56pm

Date Published: 06/04/2023
Category: Member Benefits

Aware Super We need to talk about 3.56pm. At first glance, it’s just another time in the day, right? One minute in 1,440 of them that pass by with every full rotation of the Earth. But 3.56pm isn’t any ordinary time. It’s the time at which Australian women, mathematically, start working for their employers for…

Improving your financial wellbeing today and for the future

Date Published: 06/04/2023
Category: Member Benefits

Care Super Financial wellbeing can be broadly defined as having enough money to meet your current commitments and needs comfortably today and maintain this into the future.  With the current cost of living pressures, it can be hard to think about saving for the future, but there a few things you can do today to…

Why women accumulate less super and how to close the gap

Date Published: 06/03/2023
Category: Member Benefits

Cbus and Media Super Did you know that at retirement women’s median super account balances are 20% lower than those of men*? This International Women’s Day you’re invited to attend a webinar that’s all about women and super. Topics covered include:> Facts about women, super & retirement> Why women accumulate less super> Changes that are…

Closing the gender super gap

Date Published: 06/03/2023
Category: Member Benefits

AustralianSuper The gender super gap in Australia is a serious concern: as of May 2022, the gap between what men and women earned was at 14.1%. On average, women earned $263.90 less than men each week1 but its not just the pay that is impacted – its also long term super balances, which makes things…

Protecting Australia’s retirement savings now and in the future

Date Published: 03/03/2023
Category: Member Benefits

Industry Super Australia Last month, the federal Government announced its intention to legislate a formal objective for our superannuation system. After more than 30 years, the laws which underpin our super system still don’t articulate why superannuation exists, and what it’s meant to achieve.   The government’s proposed wording – currently out for consultation – states…

A smoother path for your super

Date Published: 03/03/2023
Category: Member Benefits

HESTA We look at some obstacles to building your retirement savings, and how by navigating them you can make a smoother path for your super. Managing higher living costs  The price of almost everything has gone up. Fuel price spikes, supply shortages, and a tight jobs market have been putting upward pressure on living costs….

What to watch in 2023

Date Published: 03/02/2023
Category: Member Benefits

Stephen Dover, Head of the Franklin Templeton Institute, shares his scorecard on some market prognostications for 2022, and what his team is watching in 2023 – from blockchain to balanced portfolios. Looking back at 2022 This time last year, we offered five forecasts for 2022.1 We got a couple right and a few dead wrong. Here’s…

Tips to reduce money worries in retirement

Date Published: 03/02/2023
Category: Member Benefits

Current economic and investment market conditions are making times difficult for retirees and those planning to retire. Rises in living costs, medical costs and interest rates along with volatile investment markets may lead to worry about running out of money in retirement. AustralianSuper have few helpful tips to consider. Stay up to date on current economic…

Bounce back strong with a rainy day account

Date Published: 03/02/2023
Category: Member Benefits

A little bit of money tucked away ‘just in case’ is a great way to feel more confident about your finances. Quick and easy access to funds gives you breathing space if the something happens. With HESTA’s tips and tricks, you can build up that all-important financial buffer so you feel confident and ready to…

What is in store for Cbus and your super for 2023

Date Published: 03/02/2023
Category: Member Benefits

Gearing up for another year on the tools? Learn more about the work Cbus is doing to secure a safer future and better retirement outcomes for you. Investing responsibly As the challenges of climate change continue, Cbus announced our new Climate Change Roadmap in November. It marks a shift from setting targets and measuring emissions,…

Ensuring you’re protected from day one

Date Published: 05/12/2022
Category: Member Benefits

Insurance was woven into Australia’s superannuation scheme from the outset. This is largely due to union officials advocating for it to be included within the system, after witnessing the devastating effects of people killed or injured on site, then families left with nothing. Many Cbus members’ working in building and construction perform high risk work…

What does the historic US Inflation Reduction Act mean for global investors?

Date Published: 01/12/2022
Category: Member Benefits

The US Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), will have both climate and multi-asset implications. Franklin Templeton Investment Solutions examines the IRA from an investment lens. US President Joe Biden inked the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) into law on August 16. Contrary to the bill’s name, we expect minimal impact on near-term inflation, which we see as…

 The scourge of unpaid super

Date Published: 01/12/2022
Category: Member Benefits

Unpaid superannuation continues to be blight on our social and economic system. In this article Industry Super Australia outlines the problem and what needs to be done.  Super is not a bonus. Super is money you have earned that is set aside to help provide you with stable and secure income in your retirement. That’s…

Steps to managing your finances

Date Published: 04/11/2022
Category: Member Benefits

AustralianSuper have developed some easy steps to help you keep on top of your finances.

Welcoming the opportunity to build on proven social and affordable housing models

Date Published: 03/11/2022
Category: Member Benefits

“The Accord is a great leap forward for the provision of social and affordable housing in Australia,” Cbus and Media Super CEO Justin Arter said.

Budget highlights for working families

Date Published: 02/11/2022
Category: Member Benefits

Last week’s federal budget was the first for the Labor government in almost a decade and was designed to maintain trust in the new government by delivering on election promises and starting the job of fiscal repair. Here’re the highlights for working families including how it affects your superannuation.

5 Innovation milestones from the third quarter 2022

Date Published: 02/11/2022
Category: Member Benefits

Innovation continues to accelerate despite recessions, war, pandemics and inflation. Innovation can fall out of favour with investors, but the underlying progress continues relentlessly. Here we outline five technological advancements that we found interesting this quarter.

Responsible investment leadership

Date Published: 06/10/2022
Category: Member Benefits

Cbus is proud to be recognised again as a Responsible Investment Leader in RIAA’s 2022 Responsible Investment Benchmark Report launched in September.  As a Responsible Investment Leader, we deliver on the responsible investment promises we make. We do this by integrating ESG considerations as one component of our investment decision making across our portfolio.  You can read RIAA’s 2022 Responsible…

Australia’s affordable housing crisis

Date Published: 06/10/2022
Category: Member Benefits

Industry Super Australia’s Senior Manager Research & Public Affairs, Matthew Read, provides insights into how the super sector may have a role to play in the housing affordability crisis. Access to secure affordable housing is one of the most serious challenges to our financial security in retirement. Pleasingly the new Government made commitments around the…

Equal pay = a more secure future

Date Published: 06/10/2022
Category: Member Benefits

More than 80% of HESTA members are women. On Equal Pay Day 2022, we’re highlighting urgent changes we want to see that can improve financial security for our members in retirement. Firstly, some sobering stats: women currently have lower workforce participation than men,1 earn less than men,2  and many retire with inadequate super for a financially secure…

“Stagflation” & the shifting economic narrative

Date Published: 06/10/2022
Category: Member Benefits

The unabridged version of this article was originally published in Stephen Dover’s LinkedIn Newsletter Global Market Perspectives. Stephen Dover, CFA is Chief Market Strategist for the Franklin Templeton Institute – Partnervest is a division of Franklin Templeton Australia Limited (ABN 76 004 835 849, AFSL 240827). With surging inflation amid record-low unemployment over the past…

The gender pay gap

Date Published: 06/10/2022
Category: Member Benefits

The gender pay gap in Australia is a serious concern. With traditionally more time out of the workforce than men, women have a harder time building their superannuation and the impact needs to be recognised. By shining a light on the issues, AustralianSuper hopes to contribute to a better retirement outcome for women. In a…

How Industry Super Investments Support the Australian Economy

Date Published: 02/09/2022
Category: Member Benefits

You know that industry super funds work hard to support you in your retirement, but did you know that as well as providing excellent returns to members, industry super fund investments also create jobs, increase productivity and fuel economic growth?

Separation and super

Date Published: 02/09/2022
Category: Member Benefits

In the best case scenario, an amicable decision on how much each person gets will be reached. If not, a court order might be necessary.

How duration affects stocks and bonds

Date Published: 02/09/2022
Category: Member Benefits

Market volatility and uncertainty look likely to linger for a while. Stephen Dover examines how to navigate the current environment, and how the concept of duration plays a part within fixed income as well as equity investing.

Remaining focused on the long-term as global factors impact short-term returns

Date Published: 02/09/2022
Category: Member Benefits

The financial year 2022 saw investment returns across the superannuation industry impacted by a range of global factors.

Three reasons why now may be time for dividends

Date Published: 03/08/2022
Category: Member Benefits

Written by Stephen Dover, CFA Chief Market Strategist, Franklin Templeton Institute – Partnervest is a division of Franklin Templeton Australia Limited (ABN 76 004 835 849, AFSL 240827). Over the last few years when non-dividend paying growth stocks were delivering significant double-digit gains in the span of months, it was easy to ignore the benefits…

Super’s a safe port in stormy seas

Date Published: 03/08/2022
Category: Member Benefits

You may have heard that global interest rate rises, and inflation are among other factors causing volatility in financial markets. Over the course of a long-term investment like superannuation, some years of below average and even negative returns are expected, but these dips are smoothed out over time. Industry SuperFunds are particularly well-equipped to deal…

Insurance that works as hard as you do

Date Published: 03/08/2022
Category: Member Benefits

Insurance cover is essential in providing financial protection and security to you and your family, especially when working in high risk conditions, like working from heights, working underground or in confined spaces. Cbus Super offer insurance to suit the risks our members face every day, providing financial support when they really need it.  Cover you…

Celebrate 30 years of Australia’s compulsory superannuation system

Date Published: 08/07/2022
Category: Member Benefits

This month, we celebrate 30 years of Australia’s compulsory superannuation system. That’s 30-years and $3.5 trillion-worth of improved retirement outcomes for Australian workers. This is a significant achievement, and it’s in no small part owed to every union member who has helped establish, advocate for, and defend our world-class and world-renowned retirement income system. Super…

Fairer representation for women

Date Published: 08/07/2022
Category: Member Benefits

At HESTA, we believe the time for rhetoric about gender balance is over. That’s why we launched 40:40 Vision back in October 2020 with the support of industry partners Chief Executive Women, the Australian Council of Superannuation Investors, 30% Club and the Workplace Gender Equality Agency. 40:40 Vision calls on companies to make a public…

Australian Fixed Income – Dislocations and Potential Opportunity

Date Published: 08/07/2022
Category: Member Benefits

To say the past year been a difficult year for Australian fixed income markets, would be a gross understatement. In fact, February was the worst single month on record for Australian Government bond performance. For a sense of how challenging things have been, let’s look at two examples from the Australian Government Bond curve: the…

Landmark investment for Cbus: Australia’s first offshore wind project

Date Published: 08/07/2022
Category: Member Benefits

Cbus Super has taken a 10% interest in Star of the South, Australia’s first offshore wind project. Star of the South is owned by Copenhagen Infrastructure IV (CI IV), a fund managed by Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) who specialises in energy infrastructure investments, being one of the largest developers of offshore wind projects globally. This…

What the new parliament means for workers’ retirement savings

Date Published: 02/06/2022
Category: Member Benefits

Labor’s Anthony Albanese has been sworn-in as Australia’s new Prime Minister. The change in government and wave of new independents will provide opportunities to pursue positive changes that boost workers’ retirement savings, but work will be needed to re-build the bipartisan commitment to fundamental strengths of the system. More workers will have the savings they…

Fade the Fear – Why Tough Times are No Time to Panic 

Date Published: 31/05/2022
Category: Member Benefits

Global stock and bond markets have fallen on hard times since the start of the year. A quick glance at the year-to-date returns of major global indices bears out:  Major Indices Year to Date Performance as of 29 April, 2022 With such a difficult start to the year, many investors are questioning their investment allocations,…

Why choose a super fund focused on ESG

Date Published: 03/05/2022
Category: Member Benefits

The way your fund considers ESG issues is an important part of choosing a super fund. Not only does it help you to achieve your best possible financial position in retirement, but it promotes a sustainable future too. At AustralianSuper, this overlays all our investment decisions. Super and a sustainable future Super is about your…

Sort your super early

Date Published: 02/05/2022
Category: Member Benefits

“You’re only young once” – no doubt you’ve heard that one before. But when it comes to your super, being young means you’ve got time on your side. Lots of time to save for your far away retirement. And even better – lots of time to benefit from compound interest on your savings. One of the…

Why Stock Indexes Can Be Under-Diversified

Date Published: 02/05/2022
Category: Member Benefits

In 1976 John Vogel, founder of Vanguard Investments, began offering the first US-based Stock Index Fund. This marked the first time that investors and their advisers could easily purchase large collections of individual stocks at relatively low cost. This simple innovation would, in time, go on to change both the way people invest and the…

Member Benefits Update April 2022

Date Published: 03/04/2022
Category: Member Benefits

This month we’ve got new research on the gender super gap from Industry SuperFunds, the lowdown on ‘responsible investment’ and why it’s important, and all the latest popular union gear. Like the look of those Election corflutes above? Get your own here! ME is helping those who help everyone else ME is the bank making money good –…

AustralianSuper – leaders in responsible investment

Date Published: 30/03/2022
Category: Member Benefits

AustralianSuper has been recognised by the Responsible Investment Association Australasia (RIAA) as a leading responsible investment super fund1. Responsible investment means being active on environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues This supports the local economy, future industries, workers and communities. RIAA champions responsible investing and sustainable financial systems in Australia and New Zealand. Their annual…

Rising Interest Rates Highlight the Benefits of Diversified Fixed Income Investing

Date Published: 30/03/2022
Category: Member Benefits

Interest rates are rising both here in Australia and across the globe. Because bond prices (and returns) are inversely related to interest rates, this generally means a poor environment for fixed income returns. Thus, investors may be asking themselves whether now the time is to get out of fixed income? As usual, however, panic and…

Member Benefits Update March 2022

Date Published: 04/03/2022
Category: Member Benefits

Welcome to the March edition of the Member Benefits newsletter. We’ve got an update on the household comfort report from Me, investment tips from Partnervest and heaps more. We’re also giving away 10 double passes to see the new film Morbius. Australian households face mixed picture, with long-term outlook gloomy According to ME Bank’s 10th anniversary…

Australian households face mixed picture, with long-term outlook gloomy.

Date Published: 04/03/2022
Category: Member Benefits

According to ME Bank’s 10th anniversary edition of ME’s Household Financial Comfort Report which quantifies how comfortable Australian households feel about their financial situation, many households have a gloomy outlook, with one in three predicting negative long-term impacts to their financial situation due to COVID-19. Financial comfort is sitting at 6.04 out of 10 in…

Only payday super will stop workers from being short-changed

Date Published: 03/03/2022
Category: Member Benefits

Just a few short months after ISA’s unpaid super seminar, ATO Commissioner Chris Jordan has conceded that only payday super will stop workers from being short-changed. This urgently-needed reform – discussed at length during our seminar in December ‘21 – forms a core part of ISA’s proposed plan to deliver better retirement outcomes for Australian…

The Lessons of Facebook’s (now Meta) Problems for Building Wealth

Date Published: 03/03/2022
Category: Member Benefits

Anyone with an eye on financial markets would not have missed the shockwave that occurred when Meta Platforms (previously Facebook), (NASDAQ: FB) stock suffered a serious decline due to lower customer engagement figures and declining advertising revenue projections. We all know that the stock market can be a volatile place to invest but it can…

Climate change report: At HESTA, we are driving powerful change.

Date Published: 03/03/2022
Category: Member Benefits

We’ve let our actions do the talking to establish ourselves as an industry leader in climate action. HESTA was the first major super fund to commit to net zero by 2050, implement restrictions on investment in thermal coal, and be certified as carbon neutral for business operations. But there is more progress to be made….

Selling an investment property? Here’s what you need to know about capital gains tax

Date Published: 03/03/2022
Category: Member Benefits

Are you thinking of selling your investment property and want to understand capital gains tax? If so,  Click on this link to find out what IFSs financial planning expert Craig Sankey thinks, and read through some other scenarios to help you with tax planning. Read More Whether its selling an investment property, dealing with pensions…

Member Benefits Update January/February 2022

Date Published: 07/02/2022
Category: Member Benefits

Greetings and welcome to the first edition of the Member Benefits newsletter for 2022! This month ME has tips to get ahead of the house buying competition, we anaylse Scott Morrison’s claims on wage increases (hint: he got it wrong) and plenty more!  We’re also giving away 10 double passes to see the new film…

Ageing Workforce Ready – supporting workers nearing retirement

Date Published: 07/02/2022
Category: Member Benefits

There are many myths about older workers. Most of them are outdated and do no favours to the older members of your workforce, or recognise the experience they bring to the table. A project led by workplace experts Transitioning Well for AustralianSuper has found the maturity these workers offer businesses can positively influence culture –…

A plan to deliver super fund members the economic security they deserve

Date Published: 07/02/2022
Category: Member Benefits

Fixing the unpaid super scourge, closing the gender super gap, and protecting the foundations of our super system are part of Industry Super Australia’s policy priorities ahead of this year’s federal election. Superannuation is an employee entitlement but because of some pretty outdated laws it isn’t treated like one: it is difficult for workers to…

How concessional contributions could help with your tax

Date Published: 07/02/2022
Category: Member Benefits

Are you nearing retirement? If so, you might be interested in IFS Financial Planning Expert Craig Sankey’s article where he discusses concessional contributions and how they could help you now and in the long-term. Are you nearing retirement? If so, you might be interested in Craig Sankey’s article below where he discusses concessional contributions and…

Member Benefits Update December 2021

Date Published: 07/12/2021
Category: Member Benefits

Greetings and welcome to the December edition of the Australian Unions Member Benefits update. We want to wish all of our loyal readers a happy and safe holiday break! This month ME lets us know about the top 20 places in Australia to invest, research on the disability sector from HESTA and an article on…

Self-managed super? Or an industry super fund?

Date Published: 07/12/2021
Category: Member Benefits

Have you ever wondered if it might be better to have a self-managed super fund or stay in an industry super fund? Click on this link to find out what Craig Sankey thinks, and some points to consider to help weigh it up. Craig is the technical expert in all things financial planning at Industry…

Tackling climate change with your super

Date Published: 07/12/2021
Category: Member Benefits

As a shareholder in some of the world’s largest companies, AustralianSuper has the power to drive positive change. By working with the companies we invest in to reduce their carbon emissions, we can have a meaningful impact on climate change globally. Companies which manage climate change well also make better long-term investments, so this work…

Falling Bond Prices and Rising Yields – What’s Inflation Got to Do with It?

Date Published: 07/12/2021
Category: Member Benefits

Inflation has been on investors’ minds since the beginning of 2021. The combination of government stimulus and the supply chain disruptions caused by both changes in consumer behaviour (online shopping) and COVID-19 policies resulted in strong consumer demand and weakened supply chains. This in turn has resulted in price pressure for everything from shipping containers…

HESTA releases new community and disability sector research

Date Published: 07/12/2021
Category: Member Benefits

The community and disability services sector risks losing skilled workers due to a lack of career and skills development opportunities, according to new research from industry super fund HESTA. The latest State of the Sector 2021 workforce research found despite high levels of job satisfaction and pride to work in their sector, about one in…

ME unlocks Australia’s top 20 best places to invest

Date Published: 07/12/2021
Category: Member Benefits

ME has revealed Australia’s top 20 best places to invest for residential property investors looking to forge new financial goals following the COVID-19 pandemic. The national winner is the Queensland suburb of Woolloongabba in Brisbane’s thriving inner east. ME commissioned the new research from Ethos Urban, a national urban development consultancy, to assemble the coveted…

Member Benefits Update November 2021

Date Published: 15/11/2021
Category: Member Benefits

Greetings and welcome to the October edition of the Australian Unions Member Benefits update. This month we have savings tips from ME, investment advice from PartnerVest and an introduction to Union Shopper.  We’re also giving away a $50 Gift Card from the Official Australian Unions Store. Compromise is key for first home buyers Around 67% of first…

Compromise is key for first home buyers

Date Published: 15/11/2021
Category: Member Benefits

Around 67% of first home buyers said they would be willing to compromise on certain requirements to buy property in the current market, according to new research by home loan lender, ME. In a market where prices continue to surge, the research suggests that many first home buyers are reassessing their selection criteria and what…

Invest in shares? Or pay off the mortgage?

Date Published: 10/11/2021
Category: Member Benefits

The question of whether to invest in shares or pay off the mortgage, is one that clients often ask our financial advisers. Click on this link to find out what Craig Sankey suggests, and the tips he gives to help you decide. Craig is the technical expert in all things financial planning at Industry Fund…

Unpaid Super – How to fix the $5 billion scourge of unpaid super

Date Published: 10/11/2021
Category: Member Benefits

ISA has recently released a new report on the ongoing problem of unpaid super and solutions to fix it. The report reveals 3 million Australian workers are unpaid super every year, to the tune of almost $5 billion. The heart-wrenching stories of workers unpaid their super are the focus of extensive media reporting as shown…

Member Benefits Update October 2021

Date Published: 07/10/2021
Category: Member Benefits

Greetings and welcome to the October edition of the Australian Unions Member Benefits update. This month we have savings tips from ME, investment advice from PartnerVest and an introduction to Union Shopper.  We’re also giving away a $50 Gift Card from the Official Australian Unions Store. Dead money: The hidden cost putting a black hole in budgets…

A non-super investment you can access!

Date Published: 05/10/2021
Category: Member Benefits

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. ― Amelia Earhart We all know how important saving for retirement is, but let’s face it, figuring out what to do with your non-super assets can be a headache: what to investing in?, how much to contribute or withdraw?, and even just…

Dead money: The hidden cost putting a black hole in budgets

Date Published: 05/10/2021
Category: Member Benefits

‘Do I really need it?’ That’s the question Australians are being encouraged to ask, with research showing one in three people are paying for subscription services they don’t use. Australians love subscription services. Six out of ten of us have signed up for subscriptions or memberships, with 52% of people admitting to signing up for…

Member Benefits Update September 2021

Date Published: 09/09/2021
Category: Member Benefits

Greetings and welcome to the September edition of the Australian Unions Member Benefits update. This month, we’ve got concerning news from Me about financial security for workers, an update on the Australian Unions campaign for Secure Jobs and an update on the markets from Partnervest.  We’re also giving away a $50 Gift Card from the Official Australian Unions Store….

ISA releases new research on equal pay day – gender super gap to span decades

Date Published: 08/09/2021
Category: Member Benefits

The typical woman is retiring with a quarter less super than the typical man and with Australia’s gender pay gap growing in the last six months the savings gap could also widen. The median super balance for a woman in her early 60s is just $131,352 lagging the male median of $177,882. Nationally women trail…

A Growing China and “Emerging” Markets Demand Australian Investor Attention

Date Published: 08/09/2021
Category: Member Benefits

Thus far, 2021 has us all focused on the impacts of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and its resulting fallout both at home and abroad. And while this deserves our attention, it’s important not to lose sight of other powerful trends that will shape both our lives and our investment portfolios for years to come. One…

A quarter of Aussies can only maintain their lifestyle for up to a month if they lost their income

Date Published: 08/09/2021
Category: Member Benefits

The current and future comfort of many households is in question, according to ME Bank’s latest Household Financial Comfort Report, a bi-annual survey which quantifies how comfortable Australian households feel about their financial situation. Despite new records in cash savings, 21% of Australian households reported less than $1,000 in cash savings – down 6 percentage…

Adventure awaits!

Date Published: 09/08/2021
Category: Member Benefits

Picture this: a Sunday drive behind the wheel of a high performance sports car. Or maybe your idea of adventure is hitting the trails in a 4×4, with the kids and bikes piled in. Whatever your speed, Hertz have a rental vehicle to suit, with deals just for Members! Offer 1 – Reduced Excess (for…

What’s in your wallet? Probably not cash

Date Published: 03/08/2021
Category: Member Benefits

One in three Australians would be happy to go completely cashless by 2022, but we’re still not embracing the latest options for fast, secure shopping. A quiet revolution has been taking place in the hip pockets of Australians. Notes and coins – once the go-to payment choice for shoppers, have gradually been replaced by debit…

Member Benefits Update August 2021

Date Published: 03/08/2021
Category: Member Benefits

Greetings and welcome to the August edition of the Australian Unions Member Benefits update. This month, we’ve got a prediction on the future of cash from Me, our campaign for a wage subsidy to protect jobs and good news for young workers.  We’re also giving away an Australian Unions hoodie from the Official Australian Unions Store….

Industry Super Australia analysis shows young people and low income workers are the big winners from the SG increase

Date Published: 02/08/2021
Category: Member Benefits

More than 6.7 million Australians have benefited from a boost to their nest egg from July as the super rate increases to 10%, with young workers and low to middle-income earners the big winners. From July 1 an extra $233 a year will flow into the super accounts of the average worker. This super boost…

Don’t Let Your Super-Cap Get in the Way of a Financial Future

Date Published: 02/08/2021
Category: Member Benefits

“You may delay, but time will not.”― Benjamin Franklin We all procrastinate but one area where procrastination can be particularly expensive is our investment portfolios. One reason many Australians procrastinate in their investing is when it comes time to make the transition from super-fund to non-super investments. This can happen because of reaching your super contribution…

Member Benefits Update July 2021

Date Published: 07/07/2021
Category: Member Benefits

Greetings and welcome to the July edition of the Australian Unions Member Benefits update. This month, we’ve got some winter saving suggestions from Me, information about the vaccine roll out and exciting news about changes to the superannuation. We also have ten double passes to see Don’t Breathe 2 in cinemas to give away! 7 fun ways…

Opinion piece: Industry Super Australia Chief Executive Bernie Dean

Date Published: 06/07/2021
Category: Member Benefits

From July 1 millions of Australian workers will get a retirement savings boost as the government lifts the super rate from 9.5% to 10%. The average worker will get about an extra $230 a year from their employer. These increases are modest and affordable for employers. Small enough that many workers may not even notice…

Member Benefits Update June 2021

Date Published: 03/06/2021
Category: Member Benefits

Greetings and welcome to the June edition of the Australian Unions Member Benefits update. This month, we’ve got an update on the Liberals super con, Industry Super explain the super guarantee and ME have new data on the housing market.  We also have ten double passes to see Escape Room: Tournament of Champions in cinemas to give away! Homebuyer sentiment burnt…

Recent federal budget sees the Super Guarantee rate increase as legislated – ISA analysis

Date Published: 03/06/2021
Category: Member Benefits

The recent Federal Budget has increased women’s savings by billions by not messing with the legislated super increase and mandating that super is paid to all part-time workers. But in a post Mother’s Day sting the government has refused to pay super on Commonwealth paid parental leave – more than 90% of which would be…

Homebuyer sentiment burnt by hot market

Date Published: 01/06/2021
Category: Member Benefits

Despite record low interest rates, affordability and supply issues appear to be dampening the overall mood of Australian homebuyers. That was the key finding from ME’s latest Quarterly Property Sentiment Report. Following record high sentiment during the first quarter of 2021, the overall sentiment of buyers and sellers in the residential property market dipped seven…

What Does a Historic Bond Market Rout Mean for Investors?

Date Published: 01/06/2021
Category: Member Benefits

A Historic Bond Rout With COVID-19 challenging all aspects of our lives, everything is and feels historic. Against this backdrop, non-professional investors can be forgiven for missing the momentous events that took place in the bond market this first quarter (Q1) of 2021. In Q1 of this year, investors sold bonds and interest rates rose…

Member Benefits Update May 2021

Date Published: 05/05/2021
Category: Member Benefits

Greetings and welcome to the May edition of the Australian Unions Member Benefits update. This month, ME has signed the #IStandForRespect pledge, and we provide an update on the upcoming budget.

COVID-19 and investment markets

Date Published: 05/05/2021
Category: Member Benefits

A year on from the start of the pandemic is a good time to reflect on what happened, and how investment markets reacted.

Gender super gap widens as the government dithers

Date Published: 05/05/2021
Category: Member Benefits

Industry Super Australia has released new research that demonstrates that the typical woman is retiring with almost $60,000 less super than men

ME signs #IStandForRespect pledge

Date Published: 05/05/2021
Category: Member Benefits

ME has signed the #IStandForRespect pledge to help eliminate sexual harassment in the workplace.

Member Benefits Update April 2021

Date Published: 08/04/2021
Category: Member Benefits

Greetings and welcome to the April edition of the Australian Unions Member Benefits update. This month we have advice from ME on financial planning for young families and an update on the end to JobKeeper. There’s also more episodes of the On The Job Podcast and news from AwareSuper and Industry Super Australia. We also have five double passes…

Baby or bust?

Date Published: 07/04/2021
Category: Member Benefits

Every cloud has a silver lining, and it looks like COVID could be driving a baby boom. If that sounds like you, it’s time to get financially ready for parenthood. Take weeks of lockdowns, add in months spent working from home, and what do you get? A baby boom! That’s exactly what plenty of experts…

Aware Super supports Global Shapers’ landmark climate survey for Aussies under 30

Date Published: 01/04/2021
Category: Member Benefits

The Global Shapers community, an initiative of the World Economic Forum, is inviting young Australians to co-design the country’s COVID-19 recovery in a landmark survey: Foundations for Tomorrow, Your Voice. Supported by Aware Super, the first-of-its-kind survey will quiz young Australians under 30, on their opinions on the threat of climate change, responsible business, the…

Cuts to super will hurt young women the most, new Industry Super Australia campaign video warns

Date Published: 01/04/2021
Category: Member Benefits

Women already retire with far less than men and now some government MPs want to cut super and push women even further behind, a new Industry Super Australia (ISA) campaign video warns.   With more women set to receive the promised super rate increase than men, ensuring it goes ahead is a crucial part of closing…

Have you checked your health cover lately?

Date Published: 01/04/2021
Category: Member Benefits

It’s easy to let things like your health insurance just roll along year after year. But a quick check could really save you. Member Advantage shares a very healthy partnership with HCF, Australia’s largest not-for-profit health insurance provider. HCF put their profits back into providing better quality and better value cover for their customers. The…

Member Benefits Update March 2021

Date Published: 11/03/2021
Category: Member Benefits

Member Benefits Update March 2021 Greetings and welcome to the March edition of the Australian Unions Member Benefits update.  We have an update on the state of household economies from ME and introduce you to some of the workers impacted by proposed changes to IR laws.  There’s also more episodes of the On The Job Podcast and news from…

Petrol on a bonfire

Date Published: 04/03/2021
Category: Member Benefits

New ISA analysis released last week shows what we all knew: pouring people’s super into the property market would significantly jack up house prices. Inflated house prices may be secondary to those backbench MPs who own multiple investment properties and have 15 percent super to fall back on, but for aspiring homeowners dealing with already…

Meet Partnervest (formerly ifsinvest) – your non-super investment platform

Date Published: 03/03/2021
Category: Member Benefits

We are excited to announce that ifsinvest has changed its name to Partnervest. Partnervest began as part of Industry Fund Services. Today, Partnervest is part of Franklin Templeton, one of the world’s leading fund managers. This change has been a part of our plan since our transition to Franklin Templeton from Industry Fund Services (IFS)….

Save on health cover with HCF and Member Advantage

Date Published: 03/03/2021
Category: Member Benefits

Covid 19 has made us think about a lot of things – none more so than our health. We all want to stay healthy while also protecting ourselves from rising health costs. That’s where Member Advantage’s partnership with HCF, Australia’s largest not-for-profit health insurance provider, can help. Because they’re not for profit, HCF health insurance…

Over a quarter of Aussies feel financially worse off

Date Published: 03/03/2021
Category: Member Benefits

The current and future comfort of many households is in question, according to ME Bank’s latest Household Financial Comfort Report, a bi-annual survey which quantifies how comfortable Australian households feel about their financial situation. ME’s 19th survey shows over a quarter of households saying that they feel ‘worse off about their financial situation over the…

Member Benefits Update January/February 2021

Date Published: 04/02/2021
Category: Member Benefits

Greetings and welcome to the first Australian Unions Member Benefits update for 2021.  We have advice on getting your savings growing from Me Bank and bring you news of the Australian Unions campaign to protect your wages and conditions.  There’s also more episodes of the On The Job Podcast and an update on term desposits.  We also…

Ready to buy a new car? Get the best price at the push of a button.

Date Published: 04/02/2021
Category: Member Benefits

Buying a new car can be a frustrating and time-consuming process, so Member Advantage has partnered with MotorBuys to make the process simpler. MotorBuys gives you the tools to get the best price without any pressure at the push of a button. They have every car, every colour, every accessory, and every dealership on their…

Term Deposits Are Near Zero – How Did That Happen & What To Do Now?

Date Published: 03/02/2021
Category: Member Benefits

Historically, Australians looking for stable investments had the ability to invest in term deposits and earn an income yield that often sufficient preserving capital and even building wealth. Today, term deposits stand at close to zero and are therefore unlikely to provide sufficient income or even preserve capital after accounting for inflation. How did this…

One step to get your savings growing

Date Published: 03/02/2021
Category: Member Benefits

Fewer than one in five people will take this key step to grow their New Year savings. It looks like 2021 is going to be a big year for personal savings. New research by industry super fund-owned – ME Bank shows almost one in two Aussies plan to grow ‘rainy day’ savings this year. One…

Member Benefits Update December 2020

Date Published: 08/12/2020
Category: Member Benefits

Here we are, dear readers, our last instalment for the year that was 2020! In December’s edition we highlight how to show some sparkle at Christmas time on a scaled down budget and there’s an excellent deal for union members from our friends at Union Health.

Christmas is sorted with Union Health!

Date Published: 30/11/2020
Category: Member Benefits

If there has ever been a time where we needed the Spirit of Christmas – it’s the Summer of 2020.

The evolution of ESG implementation for unions

Date Published: 10/11/2020
Category: Member Benefits

Over recent years, there has been a growing trend to emphasise the importance of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) aspects of shares held in investment portfolios.

Member Benefits Update November 2020

Date Published: 06/11/2020
Category: Member Benefits

Welcome to the November instalment of your Member Benefits Update, dear readers.

Great Australian Dream slipping away for the young?

Date Published: 05/11/2020
Category: Member Benefits

Gen Y and Gen Z are suffering heavily from the COVID-19 pandemic, with new research suggesting their key life milestones have been set back years – or possibly forever.

Save on health insurance with Member Advantage

Date Published: 05/11/2020
Category: Member Benefits

Member Advantage has partnered with HCF, Australia’s most-trusted health fund*, to provide you with cover you can count on.

The incredible story behind our Limited Edition Tie-Dyed ‘We’re For Workers’ Tee

Date Published: 16/10/2020
Category: Covid-19 Member Benefits

“All the shirts are unique and you never know how one will look – that’s why it’s so exciting… ”When COVID-19 hit, Beth was laid off from her job in the fashion industry after 15 years.

Member Benefits Update October 2020

Date Published: 07/10/2020
Category: Member Benefits

The October edition of your Member Benefits Update explores the potential traps of the ‘buy now pay later’ craze, we announce the winners of the ACTU/ME Bank 2020 NRL and AFL Footy Tipping competitions and we show you how to register for the upcoming ACTU Virtual Organising Conference.

Summer specials at commercial prices

Date Published: 06/10/2020
Category: Member Benefits

Get ready for summer with this month’s specials from The Good Guys Commercial.

First State Super has a new name

Date Published: 05/10/2020
Category: Member Benefits Super

First State Super has changed its name to Aware Super.

Preserve savings – save the planet

Date Published: 02/09/2020
Category: Member Benefits

Changing a few household habits can benefit your finances and the environment.

‘What Happens Next?’ book offer and competition

Date Published: 01/09/2020
Category: Covid-19 Member Benefits

Long before the COVID-19 pandemic shut down the global economy, a reset to serve the wellbeing of people and the planet was plainly needed.

A win for paid pandemic leave – but there’s more to be done

Date Published: 06/08/2020
Category: Covid-19 Member Benefits Workers rights

We can celebrate a victory this week, with the Fair Work Commission finally listening to Australian unions’ calls for paid pandemic leave for aged care workers.

Member Benefits Update August 2020

Date Published: 05/08/2020
Category: Covid-19 Member Benefits

Welcome to the August edition of your Member Benefits Update.

Why we’re talking more about money

Date Published: 03/08/2020
Category: Covid-19 Member Benefits

Aussies have shared some tough times during COVID-19 but the silver lining is that we’re talking more about money matters – and looking for ways to give our financial skills a lift.

Shop Good Guys Commercial for fantastic offers

Date Published: 03/08/2020
Category: Member Benefits

Through your benefits program, you have exclusive access to The Good Guys Commercial store with fantastic prices across a range of home and business products.

Looking for a health fund that’s all about you?

Date Published: 31/07/2020
Category: Member Benefits

A fund that values YOU and offers YOU amazing value – all day, every day?Lately health funds have made a lot of noise to get your attention.

What comes after COVID-19?

Date Published: 23/07/2020
Category: Covid-19 Member Benefits

While the Morrison Government contemplates tax cuts for the wealthy and returning to a punitive approach to welfare payments, Australian unions have been thinking hard about what comes after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Two urgent reforms can protect vulnerable workers from the worst effects of COVID-19

Date Published: 20/07/2020
Category: Covid-19 Member Benefits

The Morrison Government must stop dragging its feet on urgent reforms to protect vulnerable workers during the current COVID-19 crisis, and after.

Paid pandemic leave can arrest the latest coronavirus outbreak, and help save Australia’s economy

Date Published: 09/07/2020
Category: Covid-19 Member Benefits

As the COVID-19 pandemic takes a dangerous new turn in Australia, the Federal Government must provide all working people with paid pandemic leave.

Securing jobs and wage growth: the key to economic recovery

Date Published: 02/07/2020
Category: Covid-19 Member Benefits Workers rights

Every Australian can win, if discussions between the government, business, and the union movement address weaknesses in workplace law that started long before the COVID-19 pandemic.

Member Benefits Update July 2020

Date Published: 01/07/2020
Category: Member Benefits Minimum wage

Happy July, dear readers, and welcome to this month’s edition of your Member Benefits Update.

Move money at great rates, with real support 24/7

Date Published: 01/07/2020
Category: Member Benefits

Whether you’re sending money to support family overseas, managing loan repayments or looking to take the hassle out of foreign currency dividend transfers – we’re here to help you keep more of your money as it travels around the world.

New tax break for working from home

Date Published: 19/06/2020
Category: Covid-19 Member Benefits

COVID-19 has seen lots of us working from home for the first time.

Financial fitness webinars for all Australians

Date Published: 03/06/2020
Category: Member Benefits Super

First State Super webinars are designed to answer all your superannuation questions and prepare you for a better financial future.

Avoid paying more this tax time

Date Published: 02/06/2020
Category: Member Benefits

You can avoid paying the Medicare Levy Surcharge by having eligible HCF hospital cover via your union member benefits program.

Member Benefits Update May 2020

Date Published: 15/05/2020
Category: Member Benefits

Welcome to this month’s edition of your Member Benefits Update.

We’re all in this together

Date Published: 13/05/2020
Category: Member Benefits Super

At times like these it’s only natural that many of us are thinking about our future.

Discover the power of discounted goods & services

Date Published: 05/05/2020
Category: Member Benefits

Member Advantage have been looking after Australian union members for decades.

Discover the power of discounted goods & services

Date Published: 05/05/2020
Category: Member Benefits

Member Advantage have been looking after Australian union members for decades.

Tips for working from home

Date Published: 01/05/2020
Category: Covid-19 Member Benefits

For many of us, working from home is another challenge we must deal with as a result of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak.

The Mother’s Day Classic goes virtual in 2020!

Date Published: 27/04/2020
Category: Member Benefits

With social distancing keeping many of us apart from our nearest and dearest this Mother’s Day, there has never been a better time to make Mother’s Day mean more.

Member Benefits Update April 2020

Date Published: 02/04/2020
Category: Covid-19 Member Benefits Super

In the April edition of your Member Benefits Update we bring you advice on the COVID-19 pandemic, we look at online shopping and how to stay safe and there’s some good news on our latest win with the new wage subsidy program.

The Good Guys Commercial through Member Advantage

Date Published: 30/03/2020
Category: Member Benefits

As we are all trying to adjust to this new way of the world, The Good Guys Commercial are committed to take care of your needs in the best possible way during this time.

COVID-19 update from ME

Date Published: 27/03/2020
Category: Covid-19 Member Benefits

How ME can support their customersCOVID-19 (Coronavirus) can have an impact on both people’s health and their financial wellbeing.

Join Union Health in March and get your second month free!

Date Published: 18/03/2020
Category: Member Benefits

Join Union Health, the fairer health fund, this March and get your second month free!Plus you’ll go into the draw to win an Apple Watch!  Call Union Health today on 1300 661 283, or check out their website for more info: unionhealth.

Online shopping guide – 5 ways to stay safe and have fun

Date Published: 16/03/2020
Category: Member Benefits

Embrace the possibilities of online shopping and keep your money safe with these five fail-safe strategies from ME.

Member Benefits Update March 2020

Date Published: 04/03/2020
Category: Member Benefits

In the March edition of your Member Benefits Update find out about what’s happening in your state for International Women’s Day, learn what drives women’s financial decisions, there’s a great deal for union members on health insurance.

What drives women’s money decisions?

Date Published: 04/03/2020
Category: Member Benefits

Research shows women are often motivated by one key driver when it comes to managing money – and it’s not their own financial wellbeing.

Put your health first with us & get an EFT reward valued up to $200

Date Published: 26/02/2020
Category: Member Benefits

The Health insurance reforms will become mandatory as of April 1st and along with a premium increase it’s time to see if your health cover is truly meeting your needs.

Put your health first with us & get an EFT reward valued up to $200

Date Published: 26/02/2020
Category: Member Benefits

The Health insurance reforms will become mandatory as of April 1st and along with a premium increase it’s time to see if your health cover is truly meeting your needs.

Member Benefits Update January February 2020

Date Published: 05/02/2020
Category: Member Benefits Super

Greetings and welcome to the first Australian Unions Member Benefits update for 2020.

Start 2020 the right way!

Date Published: 28/01/2020
Category: Member Benefits

Did you make any New Year’s budget resolutions? This year discover how using your benefits program can help you save thousands.

Five signs your finances need an overhaul in 2020

Date Published: 28/01/2020
Category: Member Benefits

Money problems can creep up us on gradually – here are five key indicators that you could be heading into financial stress in 2020 and tips on what you can do to avoid it.

ME supporting members impacted by bushfires

Date Published: 16/01/2020
Category: Member Benefits

ME has activated its natural disaster hotline to support ME customers affected by bushfires.

Member Benefits Update December 2019

Date Published: 05/12/2019
Category: Member Benefits

From Australian Unions Member Benefits we would like to wish all our readers a very happy and safe holiday season.

Join the fairer health fund today and get an exclusive bonus e-Gift Card

Date Published: 04/12/2019
Category: Member Benefits

If you’re ready for your health to be treated fairly, talk to Union Health – they’re not your average health fund!

Seven sustainable gift ideas this Christmas

Date Published: 04/12/2019
Category: Member Benefits

The planet needs our help – and what better way to lend a hand than by giving eco-friendly gifts this festive season.

Last minute gift ideas and summer cooling

Date Published: 04/12/2019
Category: Member Benefits

Have you signed up for your account with The Good Guys Commercial?  Exclusively through your Australian Unions Member Benefits, your account gives you access to commercial pricing on over 4,000 products, delivery to your address or free in-store pickup.

Member Benefits Update November 2019

Date Published: 14/11/2019
Category: Member Benefits

Happy November! This edition brings you some handy info on credit reports and how to access yours, we highlight the secretive ‘Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership’ and how it might impact on the Australian economy.

Excellent exchange rates on your global money transfers

Date Published: 06/11/2019
Category: Member Benefits

Planning your next holiday or sending money to family abroad? Transferring money overseas doesn’t have to be stressful, nor should it cost the earth.

Five things we get wrong with credit reports

Date Published: 06/11/2019
Category: Member Benefits

Your credit report can be a valuable asset when you apply for a loan.

Member Benefits Update October 2019

Date Published: 02/10/2019
Category: Member Benefits

The October edition of your member benefits update brings you five reasons on why it’s a good time to be a first home buyer right now and we have info on unpaid super (the silent wage theft).

IFS goes even further to reduce the risk for members

Date Published: 02/10/2019
Category: Member Benefits

Industry fund members can have confidence their financial planning files will be subject to the most rigorous risk and compliance assessments, with the launch of new industry-first machine-learning technology to support quality and compliance checking.

Five reasons it’s a good time to be a first home buyer

Date Published: 01/10/2019
Category: Member Benefits

A lot is happening in the market to turn a first home buyer’s frown upside down.

Unpaid super – the silent wage theft

Date Published: 30/09/2019
Category: Member Benefits

Wage theft has dominated the news cycle in recent months – but that’s not the only scandal taking place in dodgy workplaces across Australia.

Member Benefits Update September 2019

Date Published: 04/09/2019
Category: Member Benefits

The September edition of your member benefits update brings you seven ways to save money and the planet, we pose the question who needs financial planning exactly, we bring you news from the recent awarding to the Australian union movement of the Medal of the Order of Timor-Leste, there are exclusive union member discounts off your next travel adventure plus we have two fantastic DVD titles courtesy of Madman Entertainment to give away in our monthly competition!
Photo: L-R Thomas Mayor, Sally McManus, Martin Kingham, Michele O’Neil, Leigh Hubbard, Ged Kearney and Kate Lee accepting the Medal of the Order of Timor-Leste on behalf of the Australian union movement last month.

ACTU Member Benefits says farewell to Stuart Bell

Date Published: 04/09/2019
Category: Member Benefits

ACTU stalwart of over 15 years, Stuart Bell recently resigned from his position as Member Benefits and Partnerships Manager and it is with great reluctance we say farewell to him this week as he moves on to a new part time role with a not for profit organisation.

Who needs financial planning?

Date Published: 03/09/2019
Category: Member Benefits

The fallout of the Financial Services Royal Commission raised the question for consumers of how they can get financial advice they can trust.

Experience adventure with your member benefits

Date Published: 26/08/2019
Category: Member Benefits

Member Advantage has partnered with Intrepid Travel to get you a step closer to your next adventure.

Seven ways to save money and the planet

Date Published: 21/08/2019
Category: Member Benefits

Climate data shows we could be up for our hottest year on record.

Member Benefits Update August 2019

Date Published: 08/08/2019
Category: Member Benefits Super

The August edition of your member benefits update brings you the latest on how to put your tax refund to good use and we look at the scourge of unpaid super.

Unpaid super – the hidden wage theft

Date Published: 06/08/2019
Category: Member Benefits Super

Each year in Australia, employers are failing to pay billions of dollars in superannuation to their workers yet we don’t hear much about this.

Hands off our super

Date Published: 02/08/2019
Category: Member Benefits Super

Thanks to a ginger group of backbenchers, the super guarantee is back in the spotlight and the promised increase to 12 per cent is once again under threat.

Are you ready for Father’s Day?

Date Published: 31/07/2019
Category: Member Benefits

This year use your benefits program to find great ideas for Father’s Day presents.

Save or splurge? Put your tax refund to good use

Date Published: 29/07/2019
Category: Member Benefits Super

Your industry super fund-owned bank ME looks at simple ways to put this year’s tax refund to good use.

Member Benefits Update July 2019

Date Published: 04/07/2019
Category: Member Benefits

In the July edition of your member benefits update we delve into the issue of record low rates and what that really means for you, we look at managing investment risk, and there is a proposed ‘overhaul’ of the super system that the new Morrison government is considering.

Managing investment risk in uncertain times

Date Published: 03/07/2019
Category: Member Benefits

ifsinvest is an online investment platform brought to you by Industry Fund Services (IFS), which is owned by 27 major industry super funds.

Fast and secure international money transfers

Date Published: 03/07/2019
Category: Member Benefits

Whether you’re supporting family abroad or conducting global business, OFX can help you save money with excellent exchange rates and OFX fee free* transfers for union members.

Record low rates: what it means for you

Date Published: 03/07/2019
Category: Member Benefits

Industry super fund-owned bank ME looks at how to navigate today’s super low cash rate environment.

Member Benefits Update June 2019

Date Published: 05/06/2019
Category: Member Benefits

In the June edition of your member benefits update we pay tribute to former Prime Minister and former ACTU President, Bob Hawke.

Find super confusing? Check this guy out!

Date Published: 31/05/2019
Category: Member Benefits Super

This election saw everyday Australians trying to unravel the puzzle that is superannuation.

Have you logged into your new benefits website yet?

Date Published: 23/05/2019
Category: Member Benefits

Discover yearly savings on everyday essentials through your brand-new ACTU Member Advantage benefits website.

Five first home buyer traps to avoid

Date Published: 22/05/2019
Category: Member Benefits

The number of first home buyers in Australia’s housing market has hit a six-year high, according to new ABS data, but when it comes to buying a home, errors can prove costly.

Member Benefits Update May 2019

Date Published: 02/05/2019
Category: Member Benefits

The federal election is not far off now; we can almost smell the sweet scent of democracy sausage in the air!  Our Change the Rules campaign is in full swing in many key electorates around the country and our campaigners have been working extremely hard.

The great super freeze

Date Published: 02/05/2019
Category: Member Benefits Super

One of the Government’s best kept secrets is their continual denial of increasing the Super Guarantee (SG).

Your brand new benefits website has launched!

Date Published: 02/05/2019
Category: Member Benefits

Discover the new member benefits website for you as part of your union membership! Same benefits, same savings, great new design.

Five money sinkholes to avoid

Date Published: 30/04/2019
Category: Member Benefits

You could be throwing big bucks into a financial pit without even knowing it.

Same great benefits and savings – fresh new design

Date Published: 24/04/2019
Category: Member Benefits

Your Australian Unions Member Benefits secure website will soon be experiencing a make-over!The new website has been re-designed to offer the ultimate user-friendly experience with improved navigational and functionality while allowing you to see the full benefit range on offer.

Member Benefits Update April 2019

Date Published: 03/04/2019
Category: Member Benefits

In the April edition of your Member Benefits Update we look at a phenomenon known as ‘bank-xiety’ and what you can do to alleviate it.

IFS Royal Commission update

Date Published: 03/04/2019
Category: Member Benefits Super

In the wake of the Financial Services Royal Commission, there’s been wide focus on the professional conduct and standards of financial planners and the organisations they represent.

Five signs you have ‘bank-xiety’

Date Published: 01/04/2019
Category: Member Benefits

If you’re worried about your current bank, you’re not alone.

Member Benefits Update March 2019

Date Published: 06/03/2019
Category: Member Benefits

In the March edition of your Member Benefits Update find out about what’s happening in your state for International Women’s Day plus learn how to improve your credit health.

Travelling? Book ahead with Hertz and save!

Date Published: 28/02/2019
Category: Member Benefits

Through your Australian Unions Member Benefits program, you have access to two great Hertz offers*, negotiated especially for you.

Is your super being paid on time?

Date Published: 28/02/2019
Category: Member Benefits Super

You would be angry if you weren’t paid your wages on time – so why wouldn’t you be upset over your missing superannuation?Right now 1 in 3 Australian workers who are eligible to receive super payments are missing out on what they’re entitled to with a total cost of almost $6 billion per year and growing.

Improve your credit health

Date Published: 20/02/2019
Category: Member Benefits

You stay active, try to eat from a variety of food groups and aim for a decent amount of sleep each night.

Member Benefits Update Jan February 2019

Date Published: 08/02/2019
Category: Member Benefits

Greetings, dear readers and welcome to the first Australian Unions Member Benefits update for 2019!

Closing the Super gap

Date Published: 01/02/2019
Category: Member Benefits Super

Industry leaders say it’s time the superannuation system was overhauled in order to create a more even playing field for women and low-income earners.

Get up to a $200 EFT reward with HCF

Date Published: 30/01/2019
Category: Member Benefits

As a Member Advantage member, you can access a great range of additional benefits when you join HCF as a corporate member.

Beat the top five financial stresses of 2019

Date Published: 11/01/2019
Category: Member Benefits

Feeling the pinch of financial stress? Industry super fund-owned bank ME identifies some of the top financial concerns facing Australian households – and what you can do to beat them in 2019.

Member Benefits Update December 2018

Date Published: 05/12/2018
Category: Member Benefits

From the team at Australian Unions Member Benefits we would like to wish all our readers a very happy and safe holiday season.

Spend wisely this festive season

Date Published: 05/12/2018
Category: Member Benefits

The festive season beckons, with end-of-year parties and gift giving characterising the last month of the year.

Insure your valuables with Vero

Date Published: 03/12/2018
Category: Member Benefits

Before you go away on a much-needed break over the festive season, don’t forget to think about insuring your home and your valuables*.

Get your Christmas shopping sorted with Australian Unions Member Benefits

Date Published: 03/12/2018
Category: Member Benefits

Still searching for the perfect gifts with Christmas just a few weeks away? Wondering what to give that person on your shopping list who seems to have everything? Consider these gift ideas for under $200.

Insurance within Super – are you covered?

Date Published: 03/12/2018
Category: Member Benefits

Most Australians wouldn’t dream of driving around in a car that’s not insured.

Member Benefits Update November 2018

Date Published: 08/11/2018
Category: Member Benefits Super

In the November Member Benefits Update we pose the question ‘are you missing out on some super?’ We bring you some terrific union member discounts on accommodation, tips on how to be a better saver, there’s an update on our Change the Rules rallies across the country, we highlight some exciting job vacancies here at the ACTU, plus you could win a $100 WISH gift card (which you can spend at Woolies, Big W or Dan Murphy’s).

Time to recharge with up to 60% off at selected hotels

Date Published: 31/10/2018
Category: Member Benefits

Through Australian Unions Member Benefits, you have access to specially negotiated deals in over 700,000 hotels in more than 71,000 destinations worldwide! Why not take advantage of these great offers and have a much-needed break with your loved ones this festive season? There are over 100,000 promotional deals and competitive rates on hotel accommodation with the world’s largest online travel agency.

Five signs you could be saving more

Date Published: 31/10/2018
Category: Member Benefits

Is it time to show your savings some love? Check out industry super fund-owned bank ME’s five telltale signs that your savings could do with an uptick.

Are you missing out on some Super?

Date Published: 31/10/2018
Category: Member Benefits Super

Each year in Australia, employers are failing to pay billions of dollars in superannuation to their workers.

Member Benefits Update October 2018

Date Published: 05/10/2018
Category: Member Benefits

The October Member Benefits Update looks at ways to consolidate your super, there are tips on how to get financially fit and we tell you how to get 5% discount on groceries and fuel by using our Member Benefits program.

How to get financially fit

Date Published: 03/10/2018
Category: Member Benefits

Just like physical fitness relies on eating well and exercise, your financial fitness depends on making positive steps in the right direction.

Save 5% off groceries and fuel with your Member Benefits program

Date Published: 01/10/2018
Category: Member Benefits

Through Australian Unions Member Benefits, you could save hundreds on yearly groceries and fuel.

Multiple super accounts eating into retirement savings

Date Published: 01/10/2018
Category: Member Benefits Super

According to the Australian Tax Office, four in ten Australians have more than one superannuation account.

Member Benefits Update September 2018

Date Published: 05/09/2018
Category: Member Benefits

In the September edition of your Member Benefits Update we bring you a special union member discount on tickets to see, ‘Madiba the Musical’, we look at ways to spring clean your finances, there’s tips on preparing for bushfire season, an update about our recent national door-knock and we pay tribute to former ACTU Assistant Secretary, Laurie Carmichael.

Union member discount on ‘Madiba the Musical’ tickets

Date Published: 04/09/2018
Category: Member Benefits

The producers of the stage show want to thank Australian union members for their support of Nelson Mandela and the solidarity shown by our union movement with our anti-apartheid stance dating back to the 1950s.

Protecting a member’s most valuable asset

Date Published: 27/08/2018
Category: Member Benefits

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, 1 in 6 men and 1 in 4 women suffer from a disability during their working life that results in them taking more than six months off work.

Bushfire season is approaching; be prepared

Date Published: 23/08/2018
Category: Member Benefits

Australia is facing the possibility of having a much longer fire season of about six or seven months, with bushfire season officially starting in October 2018 and running through to April 2019.

Spring clean your finances

Date Published: 22/08/2018
Category: Member Benefits

Give your finances a clean sweep to get your money matters in great shape for summer – find out how from ME.

Member Benefits Update August 2018

Date Published: 08/08/2018
Category: Member Benefits

In the August edition of your Member Benefits Update we welcome the new ACTU President, Michele O’Neil, we help you make the most of tax time, there’s info on the government’s proposal to find your lost super, we’re calling on you to help Australia get the pay rise it deserves, we have some terrific Father’s Day gift ideas.

ME’s Household Financial Comfort Report

Date Published: 07/08/2018
Category: Member Benefits

The latest Household Financial Comfort Report (HFCR) has just been released by ME and provides in-depth insights into the financial situation of Australians.

Make the most of tax time

Date Published: 06/08/2018
Category: Member Benefits

With a juicy refund up for grabs, bank statements can hold the key to tax savings.

Why wait? Find your lost super now

Date Published: 26/07/2018
Category: Member Benefits

The Productivity Commission recently released a report highlighting the problem of Australian workers having multiple super accounts.

Member Benefits Update July 2018

Date Published: 04/07/2018
Category: Member Benefits

In the July edition of your Member Benefits Update we look at simple ways to put this year’s tax refund to good use and there’s info on ways to complement your super.

Save or splurge? How to use your tax refund

Date Published: 28/06/2018
Category: Member Benefits

This month we look at simple ways to put this year’s tax refund to good use, brought to you by your industry super fund owned-bank, ME.

When there’s room for other investments

Date Published: 27/06/2018
Category: Member Benefits

The tax benefits associated with superannuation make it a clear winner when it comes to building wealth over the long term.

Member Benefits Update June 2018

Date Published: 06/06/2018
Category: Member Benefits

In the June edition of your Member Benefits Update we encourage you to check your home loan to ensure you are getting the best rates, we highlight our great car insurance offer, we have an update on the recent increase to the minimum wage, we present ‘Change the Rules’ merchandise and we pay tribute to union legend, Ark Tribe.

Time to check your home loan

Date Published: 24/05/2018
Category: Member Benefits

The start of a new financial year is an ideal time to review your home loan – it can put money back in your pocket.

There’s more to car insurance than price

Date Published: 23/05/2018
Category: Member Benefits

There’s more to car insurance than finding the cheapest premium, it’s about the right features at the right price.

Member Benefits Update May 2018

Date Published: 03/05/2018
Category: Member Benefits

Happy May Day, everyone! In the May edition of your Member Benefits Update we urge you to join us in our ‘Change the Rules’ days of action and we bring you an exciting opportunity to star in a television commercial.

New exclusive benefit for Australian Unions members

Date Published: 27/04/2018
Category: Member Benefits

Member Advantage and Australian Unions are excited to announce our new partnership with The Good Guys Commercial.

An Instagram-worthy home equals happiness

Date Published: 24/04/2018
Category: Member Benefits

Three out of four Australians believe a stylish home is the key to personal fulfilment.

Member Benefits Update April 2018

Date Published: 05/04/2018
Category: Member Benefits

In the bumper April edition of your Member Benefits Update you can read about the ACTU’s upcoming “12 days of action to Change the Rules”.

Money brain barriers

Date Published: 27/03/2018
Category: Member Benefits

You know the right steps to take with your money; you’re just not taking them.

Member Benefits Update March 2018

Date Published: 09/03/2018
Category: Member Benefits

In the March edition of your Member Benefits Update find out about what’s happening in your state for International Women’s Day, learn about the gender gap in Superannuation, there are our FREE footy tipping competitions for union members to join, you can register for the 2018 Mother’s Day Classic and save a tonne with great ‘union member only’ deals on home insurance and new cars.

The money mistake you can’t afford to make

Date Published: 07/03/2018
Category: Member Benefits

One in four Australians are making a big mistake with their money and it’s draining their finances.

The gender Superannuation gap

Date Published: 05/03/2018
Category: Member Benefits Super

How will the gender pay gap affect me in retirement?
You’ve probably heard of the gender pay gap.

Your best investment for 2018

Date Published: 12/01/2018
Category: Member Benefits

What’s the single smartest investment for the New Year? That’s easy.

Member Benefits Update December 2017

Date Published: 08/12/2017
Category: Member Benefits

In December’s edition we bring you our Festive Pack competition with some great prizes on offer, there’s some timely advice from ME on the dangers of ‘buy now, pay later’ and there’s news on how to save money with our Member Benefits program.

Celebrate with Member Advantage

Date Published: 07/12/2017
Category: Member Benefits

This time of year can be a hectic and stressful time.

The dangers of ‘buy now, pay later’

Date Published: 28/11/2017
Category: Member Benefits

The festive season is now upon us, and this year some Australians will be tapping into using a new way of paying or purchases.

Tyresales Offer November 2017

Date Published: 17/11/2017
Category: Member Benefits

We are currently renegotiating our Tyresales offer, so some of our old discount codes no longer work.

Member Benefits Update November 2017

Date Published: 01/11/2017
Category: Member Benefits

In November’s instalment we look at the findings of a recent survey by ME about requesting a pay rise and there’s a new general insurance deal for union membes.

Requesting a pay rise actually works, but few ask

Date Published: 31/10/2017
Category: Member Benefits

In a period of record low wage growth, one of the most successful strategies among workers to increase their incomes − asking for a pay rise – is also one of the least used, according to a new survey by industry super fund-owned bank, ME.

Introducing Vero Insurance

Date Published: 25/10/2017
Category: Member Benefits

Through our partnership with Member Advantage, we have recently added Vero Insurance as our new insurance provider.

Member Benefits Update Oct 2017

Date Published: 05/10/2017
Category: Member Benefits

Is it really October already?!  My goodness, 2017 has flown by.

Attacks on Industry Super ramp up

Date Published: 04/10/2017
Category: Member Benefits Super

The Government has stepped up their attacks on industry super funds who are run only to profit members and supported by both Unions and employer groups.

Tyresales Offer

Date Published: 14/09/2017
Category: Member Benefits

Our September Member Benefits Update had a text error in the Tyresales $100 off offer – this offer was restricted to TOYO branded tyres only.

Footy Tipping winners announced for 2017!

Date Published: 13/09/2017
Category: Member Benefits

Winners of ACTU / ME Footy Tipping Competitions announced!We are pleased to announce that the winner of the ACTU / ME AFL footy tipping comp is George Phelps, a retired CEPU member from Sydney.

Member Benefits Update September 2017

Date Published: 08/09/2017
Category: Member Benefits

Happy September, Comrades!  This month we kick off with news on the ACTU / ME 2017 Footy Tipping competitions, handy tips on saving on household essentials from ME, there’s a great offer from, plus there’s two terrific DVDs from Madman to win! Quick tips to save on household essentials from ME ME’s 12th Household…

Quick tips to save on household essentials

Date Published: 25/08/2017
Category: Member Benefits

ME’s 12thHousehold Financial Comfort Report revealed that cost of necessities is the biggest worry for 44% of Australian households.

Member Benefits Update August 2017

Date Published: 03/08/2017
Category: Member Benefits

The August edition of your Member Benefits Update delivers the latest info in the Household Financial Comfort Report from ME and we also look at concerning findings from the recent HILDA survey.

What is causing us financial stress?

Date Published: 01/08/2017
Category: Member Benefits

Rising cost of necessities, low wage growth and future rate rises all causing financial stress.

Catch the travel bug with Australian Unions Member Benefits

Date Published: 31/07/2017
Category: Member Benefits

Where can your benefit program take you? Travel with these great savings through Australian Unions!Save up to 60% on your next hotel with your new Australian Unions Member Advantage benefits program.

Member Benefits Update July 2017

Date Published: 07/07/2017
Category: Member Benefits

The July edition of your Member Benefits Update brings you news of our brand new member benefits partnership with Member Advantage, there’s our Change the Rules campaign and some saving tips from ME plus.

5 reasons your savings are going backwards

Date Published: 06/07/2017
Category: Member Benefits

If the halfway mark of 2017 sees your savings looking a little lean, you could be caught in one of five money traps.

Changes to Member Benefits

Date Published: 30/06/2017
Category: Member Benefits

Starting on 1 July 2017 there will be changes to Australian Unions Member Benefits and our website.

Member Benefits Update June 2017

Date Published: 07/06/2017
Category: Member Benefits

In the June edition of your Member Benefits Update there’s a great cashback offer from our friends at Tyresales.

7 point checklist to upgrade your home

Date Published: 18/05/2017
Category: Member Benefits

Thinking of upgrading to a new home? Check out our 7-point checklist to streamline the move.

Member Benefits Update May 2017

Date Published: 04/05/2017
Category: Member Benefits

In the May edition of your Member Benefits Update we look at the issue of big banks wanting to get their hands on your Super.

Have you considered investing outside of Super?

Date Published: 02/05/2017
Category: Member Benefits Super

For more than 20 years, industry super funds have been helping Australians to save for a better retirement.

Supersize your savings with a homeloan offset account

Date Published: 01/05/2017
Category: Member Benefits

A mortgage offset account can offer the ideal combination of easy access to cash savings while helping you pay off your home loan sooner.

New Daily

Date Published: 11/04/2017
Category: Member Benefits

In Australia, we suffer from a media diversity problem.

Member Benefits Update April 2017

Date Published: 07/04/2017
Category: Member Benefits

In the April edition of your Member Benefits Update read about the victory of workers at Parmalat in Echuca, learn how to save money using a range of different financial apps (as recommended by ME), join our FREE footy tipping competitions plus there are two great Super books to win.

Don’t worry, be appy

Date Published: 10/03/2017
Category: Member Benefits

Technology puts a wealth of tools at our fingertips, and there’s no shortage of smart phone apps and web-based tools that can swing your money skills from zero to hero.

Member Benefits Update March 2017

Date Published: 02/03/2017
Category: Member Benefits

In the March edition of your Member Benefits Update find out about what’s happening in your state for International Women’s Day, you can join our FREE footy tipping competitions for union members, join the fight to keep penalty rates, register for the 2017 Mother’s Day Classic and grab some bargains with your special union member discount on a range of different products and services!  Plus there’s another couple of fantastic DVDs to win.

Footy Tipping 2017

Date Published: 24/02/2017
Category: Member Benefits

The ACTU / ME Footy Tipping Competitions are back!
Hey union footy tipsters!  The FREE ACTU AFL & NRL footy tipping competitions are happening again in 2017.

Five steps to be rate rise ready

Date Published: 10/02/2017
Category: Member Benefits

Interest rates have fallen steadily over the past six years but the tide may be turning, making now the time to be rate rise ready.

Member Benefits Update Jan/Feb 2017

Date Published: 02/02/2017
Category: Member Benefits

From all of us here at Australian Unions Member Benefits we’d like to wish our readers a very happy 2017 as we welcome you to the first edition of your Member Benefits Update for the year.

Is generosity putting your retirement at risk?

Date Published: 31/01/2017
Category: Member Benefits

When we think of all the things that could get in the way of a quality retirement one factor is often overlooked: our children.

Best wishes for 2017

Date Published: 22/12/2016
Category: Member Benefits

Best wishes for the festive season from the team at Australian Unions Member Benefits.

Member Benefits Update December 2016

Date Published: 08/12/2016
Category: Member Benefits

In December’s bumper edition we bring you our Festive Pack competition with some terrific prizes, great gift ideas including some classic union T Shirts, festive cards from APHEDA, a fantastic member discount deal from Cracka Wines plus some timely advice for money management from ME!
Member Benefits Update December 2016
From the team at Australian Unions Member Benefits we would like to wish each of our readers a very happy and safe festive season.

Home Insurance up for renewal?

Date Published: 01/12/2016
Category: Member Benefits

Here’s a rundown of the top 3 things to check for on your home insurance policy every year to avoid nasty surprises in the event of a claim.

Five money lies we tell ourselves

Date Published: 29/11/2016
Category: Member Benefits

Take a look at five common money mistruths we often tell ourselves – with ideas to get back on track with guilt-free money management.

Member Benefits Update November 2016

Date Published: 04/11/2016
Category: Member Benefits

This month we show you how to have your smashed avocado and eat it too, we bring you news from IFS on what you need to know about your eligibility for the Age Pension.

Age Pension Eligibility – what you need to know

Date Published: 02/11/2016
Category: Member Benefits

The federal government has introduced changes to the rules that govern eligibility for the Age Pension.

Have your smashed avo and eat it too

Date Published: 28/10/2016
Category: Member Benefits

New tool helps buyers have a home but keep the lifestyle, with a side of smashed avocado.

ME Special Update October 2016

Date Published: 26/10/2016
Category: Member Benefits

Read all about two great banking offers for union members from our partner ME.

Australian Unions Member Benefits Update October 2016

Date Published: 06/10/2016
Category: Member Benefits

This month we bring you a timely update on our Member Benefits smartphone app, info on proposed changes to Super and how it might affect your retirement plans, there’s a great offer on new tyres from Tyresales.

Buy 3 tyres and get 1 free at

Date Published: 04/10/2016
Category: Member Benefits

For a limited time only, buy 3 tyres and get 1 more FREE on selected tyre brands at Tyresales!
The tyres available for this offer are marked with a red ‘Buy 3 get 1 Free’ bubble.

How proposed changes to super will impact your retirement planning

Date Published: 03/10/2016
Category: Member Benefits Super

4 things you need to know…
With the election over, some of the proposed changes to super are now being debated in parliament.

Have the baby boomers lost their boom?

Date Published: 03/10/2016
Category: Member Benefits

The latest Household Financial Comfort Report (HFCR) from industry super fund-owned bank, ME shows financial wellbeing among baby boomers has taken a hit in the last six months.

New Smartphone app

Date Published: 29/09/2016
Category: Member Benefits

Australian Unions are pleased to announce that our Member Benefits have a brand new Smartphone app.

Australian Unions Member Benefits Update September 2016

Date Published: 07/09/2016
Category: Member Benefits

Happy September, dear readers!  This month we bring you the announcement of the ACTU / ME 2016 Footy Tipping competitions.

Jobs and work – the key drivers of financial wellbeing

Date Published: 06/09/2016
Category: Member Benefits

No matter your current job or whether you work full-time, part-time or on a casual basis, the changing face of employment is impacting our financial wellbeing.

Check your super statement – your retirement depends on it

Date Published: 06/09/2016
Category: Member Benefits Super

Are you one of the 690,000 working Australians who are not currently receiving their full super payment? The best way to find out is to check your Super statement.

Member Benefits Update August 2016

Date Published: 03/08/2016
Category: Member Benefits

The August edition of your Member Benefits Update delivers the latest Household Financial Comfort Report from ME and news of our brand new Facebook page.

Did you know that tax time is also super time?

Date Published: 02/08/2016
Category: Member Benefits

It has been said that there is ‘nothing certain in the world except for death and taxes’ and it is that time of year when many of us are completing our annual tax return.

ME Special Update July 2016

Date Published: 21/07/2016
Category: Member Benefits

Find out about the latest home loan offer for union members from our partner ME.

New Member Benefits Facebook page competition

Date Published: 15/07/2016
Category: Member Benefits

Australian Unions Member Benefits (previously known as ACTU Member Connect) have a brand new Facebook page for you to head to and ‘Like’ right now!And the best bit is if you hit the ‘Like’ button before 31st August 2016 you will automatically go in the draw to win a $100 WISH Gift Card! If you’re already a ‘Liker’ of our old page, you will still need to head across to the new page and hit ‘Like’ to enter the competition.

Member Benefits Update July 2016

Date Published: 07/07/2016
Category: Member Benefits

Happy new financial year, dear readers, and wow, what a start to it! The July edition of your Member Benefits Update brings you a wrap of our federal election campaign.

Achieving loan-life balance

Date Published: 05/07/2016
Category: Member Benefits

If you’re buying your first home or upgrading your existing one, it pays to choose the right loan – one with the flexibility to achieve long-term goals while allowing you to live your life.

Member Benefits Update June 2016

Date Published: 02/06/2016
Category: Member Benefits

In the June edition of your Member Benefits Update we bring you news of an exciting new car buying service for union members and tips on how to get your finances in order in the new financial year.

New Motor Report Partnership

Date Published: 31/05/2016
Category: Member Benefits

The ACTU is pleased to announce this newly formed partnership with themotorreport.

New financial year money makeover

Date Published: 30/05/2016
Category: Member Benefits

When 1 July ticks over try our five simple steps to get your finances in great shape for the 12 months ahead.

Member Benefits Update May 2016

Date Published: 09/05/2016
Category: Member Benefits

In the May edition of your Member Benefits Update we dissect the 2016 Federal Budget, we urge you to ‘Take the Pledge’ to put the Liberals last come election day, there’s a great offer from Tyresales.

Money myths debunked

Date Published: 02/05/2016
Category: Member Benefits

Money myths debunked
Forget the mistakes and misconceptions.

Member Benefits Update April 2016

Date Published: 06/04/2016
Category: Member Benefits

In the April edition of your Member Benefits Update find out how to join the ‘Secret’ ACTU Army, grab a bargain on tyres, support the APHEDA raffle and join our FREE footy tipping competition for union members.

Young and old at financial odds

Date Published: 10/03/2016
Category: Member Benefits

A financial gap is growing between different generations of Australians.

Member Benefits Update March 2016

Date Published: 04/03/2016
Category: Member Benefits

In the March edition of your Member Benefits Update find out about what’s happening in your state for International Women’s Day, join our FREE footy tipping competitions for union members, register for the Mother’s Day Classic and grab a bargain with the special union member discount on some lovely Cracka wines!  Plus there’s another couple of fantastic DVDs to win.

What’s the difference between credit cards?

Date Published: 26/02/2016
Category: Member Benefits

Understanding how different credit cards work can mean avoiding a costly mistake.

Member Benefits Update January/February 2016

Date Published: 03/02/2016
Category: Member Benefits

From all of us here at Australian Unions we’d like to wish our readers across Australia a very happy 2016 as we welcome you to the first edition of your Member Benefits Update for the year.

Demand for residential property to remain strong over next 12 months

Date Published: 01/02/2016
Category: Member Benefits

Findings from ME’s latest Property Buying Intentions Report
ME’s latest Property Buying Intentions Report indicates demand for residential property may remain strong over the next 12 months despite prudential changes and tightening of lending criteria for some home buyers.

Update December 2015

Date Published: 02/12/2015
Category: Member Benefits

From all of us here at Australian Unions Member Benefits we would like to wish you a very happy and safe festive season.

Looking for a better home loan deal?

Date Published: 30/11/2015
Category: Member Benefits

Right now union members could get more, with a discount of 0.

Things to consider when buying a car

Date Published: 26/11/2015
Category: Member Benefits

Purchasing a car is a major commitment and whilst it is easy to get caught up in choosing your favourite make and model, it is also important to be adequately informed about all the potential costs involved, such as stamp duty, registration and insurance.

Bella Union presents ‘Christ Almighty!’

Date Published: 06/11/2015
Category: Member Benefits

A promiscuous archangel, a wise man with multiple personality disorder, a psychotic King, a desperate donkey, a smitten shepherd, one dodgy innkeeper, and some knocked-up virgin and her baffled fella.

Update November 2015

Date Published: 05/11/2015
Category: Member Benefits

In the November edition of your Member Benefits Update there’s a great offer exclusive to union members from ME, we encourage workers to Go Home on Time, there’s a fantastic offer from Cracka Wines, plus we have two excellent DVDs from Madman to win!
Read on

The new ME Frank Credit Card is here!

Date Published: 04/11/2015
Category: Member Benefits

ME are working hard to stay agile, reinvent and give Australians more relevant ways to get ahead financially.

Update October 2015

Date Published: 20/10/2015
Category: Member Benefits

In the October edition of your Member Benefits Update we report back on last month’s successful National Door Knock, we announce the winners of both the AFL and NRL Footy Tipping competitions, there’s some great Gift Card offers plus a bumper DVD and movie double passes competition! Photo: Union members volunteering in the federal seat of Longman in Qld last month.

Aussies exposed to financial emergencies

Date Published: 01/10/2015
Category: Member Benefits

Two-thirds of the nation’s households would struggle to find $3,000 in an emergency.

Update September 2015

Date Published: 04/09/2015
Category: Member Benefits

In the September edition of your Member Benefits Update we encourage you to join us in door knocking around the country over the weekend of 12th and 13th of September, there’s advice on how to exit the credit card roundabout, info on how to access our great deals, a special $50 offer on new tyres for union members plus there’s some double movie passes from Madman to win!
 Read the September edition

Exit the credit roundabout

Date Published: 01/09/2015
Category: Member Benefits

One in two Australians are struggling with credit card debt.

ME home loan interest rate changes

Date Published: 27/08/2015
Category: Member Benefits

ME today, 27 August 2015, announced changes to its variable and fixed home loan interest rates for investor and selected owner occupied loans.

Update August 2015

Date Published: 07/08/2015
Category: Member Benefits Super

In this month’s edition of your Member Benefits Update we teach you how to speak ‘Super’, there’s some great ideas on how to wisely invest your tax refund, we have a special $50 Visa Card offer from ISinsured, an update on the recent Productivity Commission Report plus there’s some sweet, sweet DVDs from Madman to win!
Read on

Get ISinsured and a bonus $50 Visa Card

Date Published: 05/08/2015
Category: Member Benefits

Australian Unions Member Benefits members have access to a range of insurance products through ISinsured which is designed to offer great value on features and benefits.

Turn your tax refund into smart money

Date Published: 22/07/2015
Category: Member Benefits

We look at simple ways to put this year’s tax cheque to good use.

FREE tickets to Melbourne Career Expo!

Date Published: 13/07/2015
Category: Member Benefits

The Melbourne Career Expo will be held from Friday 24 July to Sunday 26 July at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre, Clarendon St, Southbank.

Can you speak Superannuation?

Date Published: 08/07/2015
Category: Member Benefits Super

Superannuation, retirement and eligibility to the pension are regularly in the news headlines at the moment, yet studies have shown that much of the ‘jargon’ used when talking about these topics confuses most of us.

Update July 2015

Date Published: 08/07/2015
Category: Member Benefits

Happy new financial year, dear readers! The July edition of your Member Benefits Update brings you news on our ‘Build a Better Future’ campaign, ME’s top five tips on safe mobile banking, there’s some movie tickets to win plus loads more!
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Update June 2015

Date Published: 05/06/2015
Category: Member Benefits

Welcome to the June edition of your Member Benefits Update!  There’s an ACTU Congress wrap up, some great tips on playing your (credit) cards right, a fantastic offer on some premium bubbles from Cracka Wines, news about our exciting new smartphone app, great prizes to win and loads more!
Read on

Play your cards right

Date Published: 25/05/2015
Category: Member Benefits

High fees and sneaky interest hikes could be draining your finances.

Update May 2015

Date Published: 07/05/2015
Category: Member Benefits

Happy May Day to all our readers across the country! The May edition of your Member Benefits Update’ busts some commonly held myths regarding home loans, there’s info on how you can join the 2015 Mother’s Day Classic, great prizes to win and loads more!
Read on

Home loan myths busted!

Date Published: 27/04/2015
Category: Member Benefits

Confused about home loans? Our FAQs set the record straight.

Update April 2015

Date Published: 09/04/2015
Category: Member Benefits

Welcome to the April bumper edition of your Member Benefits Update.

Update March 2015

Date Published: 18/03/2015
Category: Member Benefits

In this month’s edition of your Member Benefits Update find out how to join in the ‘Fight for our Rights’ nationwide protest tomorrow, Wednesday 4 March, join our FREE footy tipping competitions for union members, register for the Mother’s Day Classic and get a special union member discount on some fancy wines!  Plus there’s another couple of fantastic DVDs to win.

Households sweat the small stuff

Date Published: 26/02/2015
Category: Member Benefits

ME Bank’s latest Household Financial Comfort Report found one in two Australian households say the cost of necessities is their biggest financial worry.

Tribute to pioneer of Superannuation in Australia

Date Published: 25/02/2015
Category: Member Benefits

Vale Mavis June Robertson 1930 – 2015Australian Unions have paid tribute to one the leading pioneers of Australia’s compulsory super system, Mavis Robertson AM, who died on 17 February at Epworth Hospital, Richmond at the age of 84.

ACTU / ME Bank FREE Footy Tipping Competition back for 2015!

Date Published: 25/02/2015
Category: Member Benefits

The ACTU / ME Bank FREE footy tipping competitions are back for 2015!
 The NRL season begins on Thursday 5th March and the AFL kicks off on Thursday 2nd April.

Update February 2015

Date Published: 10/02/2015
Category: Member Benefits

Here is your Member Benefits update.

Lack of discipline holding back Aussie savings resolutions

Date Published: 29/01/2015
Category: Member Benefits

A lack of money discipline is denying many Australian households from realising their financial goals in 2015 according to ME Bank’s Saving Intentions and Behaviours Survey, conducted in December 2014 with 1,500 adults nationally.

Get a $50 Load and Go Travel Visa Card from ISinsured!

Date Published: 03/12/2014
Category: Member Benefits

Australian Unions Member Benefits members have access to a range of insurance products through ISinsured which is designed to offer great value on features and benefits.

In less than 4 weeks the Income Test for the Age Pension will change. Do you know if your retirement plans will be impacted?

Date Published: 03/12/2014
Category: Member Benefits

Do you know if your retirement plans will be impacted?Currently, the Centrelink Income Test used to calculate eligibility for benefits such as the Age Pension, treats income received from Account Based Pensions differently from that received from other sources such as bank accounts, managed funds and shares.

The perfect storm for home owners

Date Published: 26/11/2014
Category: Member Benefits

In today’s competitive lending market, borrowers hold the trump card.

Our Living Standards, Our Voice survey

Date Published: 06/11/2014
Category: Member Benefits

People across the country, from all walks of life, will be having their say on the type of Australia they want.

Fixed rates plunge below 5%

Date Published: 31/10/2014
Category: Member Benefits

Wafer thin fixed rates could be taking pressure off the Reserve Bank to deliver further rate cuts.

General insurance products for union members from ISinsured

Date Published: 23/09/2014
Category: Member Benefits

Union members have access to a range of insurance products through ISinsured which is great value.

Family ties

Date Published: 18/09/2014
Category: Member Benefits

Faced with rising property values, first home buyers are banding together with friends and family.

WIN one of six DVDs!

Date Published: 01/09/2014
Category: Member Benefits

Enter the draw to win one of 3 copies of both ‘God’s Pocket’ and ‘Half of a Yellow Sun’ we are giving away to 6 lucky union members this month! 
God’s Pocket
Directed by Mad Men star, John Slattery ‘God’s Pocket’ stars the late, great Philip Seymour Hoffman in one of his final roles.

Expecting the unexpected

Date Published: 01/09/2014
Category: Member Benefits

Paying off your home loans could go hand-in-hand with putting away savings for a rainy day.

Anna Stewart Memorial Project 30th anniversary dinner

Date Published: 12/08/2014
Category: Member Benefits

Since its inception 30 years ago, the Anna Stewart Memorial Project continues to be the flagship training project for union women, and has seen the growth of many leaders in Victorian unions.

Small savings stack up

Date Published: 06/08/2014
Category: Member Benefits

Take a moment to check the fees you’re paying for everyday banking.