Published: 04/04/2024
Category: Member Benefits
Published: 04/04/2024
Category: Member Benefits

Industry Super Australia

Meet Lyn and Judy: Lynn stuck with her Industry SuperFund in retirement and had $13,306 more in her account than her friend Judy, who switched to a retail super fund.

You can read more details about Lynn and Judy’s story here.

If you’re nearing retirement, it’s important to start doing some research about your options. Planning for retirement can seem overwhelming and exhausting. But it pays to get the information you need nice and early. You can begin by speaking to your Industry SuperFund about what your options are.

An Industry SuperFund retirement income account lets you manage your money the way you want. It allows you to take a regular income, and still enjoy the flexibility of paying yourself more when you want to, so you can still treat yourself. And, because it’s with an Industry SuperFund, the balance can grow over time. 

It’s beneficial to start thinking ahead to the type of life you would like to maintain in retirement. Think about your current income, how your super is performing now for you, how likely you are to be on the Age Pension and your household needs to help you start to plan your transition to retirement effectively. Industry SuperFunds have some useful retirement tools to help you plan ahead.

Compare your retirement and see if you too could be better off.

Same Age, Same Income, two very different retirements

Same Age, Same Income, two very different retirements