You’re set to get more pay in July. Here’s how to check.

Published: 30/06/2023
Category: Campaign Wages
Published: 30/06/2023
Category: Campaign Wages

We’re hurtling into July and the gobsmacking energy bills are landing in our mailboxes (or inboxes) like lead balloons. But with July also comes a bit of reprieve: pay increases. 

Whether your pay is getting a bump up and by how much depends on a few different factors. Here are three steps to help you figure out how much to expect in your next pay cycle.

1. Find out what determines your pay

Millions of workers will get a pay increase after July 1. How much that will be depends on whether you are covered by: 

You will be covered by one of the above unless you are a contract worker. You can use our fact sheet to check what type of worker you are if you’re not sure.  

Although heaps of workers will be getting a pay rise, there will be some circumstances where you might not get one, even with an Award or EBA covering your workplace. Chat to your union to figure out whether that applies to you.

2. Check the percentage of your increase

If you’re covered by an EBA, it will outline what your pay increase is for this year. EBAs vary across workplaces so your pay increase will be unique to your workplace.  

If you’re on the national minimum wage or rely on Award wages, your pay rise was decided by the Fair Work Commission.  

The national minimum wage will increase by 8.6 per cent and Award wages will increase by 5.75 per cent. 

These are the largest increases in Australia’s history and were a result of strong union campaigning. Every time the Fair Work Commission decided on these pay rises, union members argue for a meaningful increase while the big business lobby consistently supports real wage cuts.

3. Examine your next payslip

No matter how much your pay rise is, it will come into effect the first pay cycle after 1 July 2023. To make sure it has been applied correctly, examine the numbers on your payslip

Yes, this will require a little bit of maths to make sure the numbers all add up. But if they don’t, that’s when you need to contact your union.  

They can help you follow up on unpaid wages and advise you on the best steps to take. Because if your employer hasn’t given you the wage increase you’re owed, then that’s stealing. 

If you haven’t been getting pay slips at all, then that’s a major red flag. Get in touch with your union as soon as possible if that’s the case. Your employer is legally obliged to provide you with  payslips.

Keep the pay rises coming

Being in a union isn’t just a way to prevent wage theft. It’s also the best way to secure a decent pay rise.  

It’s no coincidence that union members earn $312 more per week than non-members, on average. The difference is a result of the numerous ways you’re supported when you become a union member.  

You’re set to get more pay in July. Here’s how to check.

You’re set to get more pay in July. Here’s how to check.