168 years on, workers are still winning better work/life balance

Published: 21/04/2024
Category: Workers rights
Published: 21/04/2024
Category: Workers rights

On this day in 1856, Melbourne’s Stonemasons fought for – and won – the 8-hour workday as an industry standard.

This was off the back of Stonemasons in two worksites in Sydney winning the 8-hour day the year before. They showed it was possible!

These struggles weren’t easy. It took tremendous bravery and solidarity to turn the dream of an 8-hour workday into reality.

Their historic victory set a precedent for fair working conditions across Australia – a legacy union members proudly remember today.

Because we know this struggle does not just belong to the past.

Winning the 8-Hour Day

A lot has changed since 1856, but union members continue to fight for the fundamental humanity of workers and a work/life balance.

Just as the Stonemasons got together, organised, and took action to drive change; union members today have stood together and won new and improved work rights.

Rights that will change our working lives for the better  – like the right for workers to disconnect from work outside working hours.

Inspired by the past, union members campaign today for a better future for working people.

Join the movement that wins for workers

168 years on, workers are still winning better work/life balance

168 years on, workers are still winning better work/life balance