Australia Needs a Pay Rise

A good Budget for workers

Date Published: 15/05/2024
Category: Australia Needs a Pay Rise

The Government has released the Budget – and it’s a good one for workers.

Big business profits are in full bloom

Date Published: 29/02/2024
Category: Australia Needs a Pay Rise

It’s profit reporting season, and the forecast for big business is sunny with a high chance of thriving profits.

Closing gig economy and casual loopholes in 2024

Date Published: 12/02/2024
Category: Australia Needs a Pay Rise

The first part of the Closing Loopholes Bill was a monumental achievement that won vital changes for working people. Part two is just as important.

Inquiry into price gouging – full report released

Date Published: 07/02/2024
Category: Australia Needs a Pay Rise

The Inquiry into Price Gouging and Unfair Pricing Practices report shines a spotlight on the experiences of everyday Australians trying to make ends meet in the ongoing cost-of-living crisis.

Cost of living bonus for all working people

Date Published: 25/01/2024
Category: Australia Needs a Pay Rise

Good news – the Albanese government’s new tax-cut plan will provide cost-of-living relief for those who desperately need it most: Australian workers and their families.

Casualties of a broken system

Date Published: 22/01/2024
Category: Australia Needs a Pay Rise

Less than 5% of casual workers who want permanent jobs can secure one. The second part of the Closing Loopholes Bill includes much-needed changes that will re-balance the relationship between casual workers and employers.

New laws passed – winning fundamental rights for working people  

Date Published: 20/12/2023
Category: Australia Needs a Pay Rise

Part one of the Closing Loopholes Bill has passed the Senate, delivering a much-needed win for Australian workers heading into the holiday season.

Shocking stories from the frontline of the Price Gouging Inquiry

Date Published: 15/11/2023
Category: Australia Needs a Pay Rise

The final hearing for the Inquiry into price gouging and unfair pricing practices – chaired by Professor Allan Fels AO – wrapped up in Canberra yesterday, with the Inquiry report to be released later this year.

Australians agree: big business have too much power

Date Published: 14/11/2023
Category: Australia Needs a Pay Rise

Reckon big business have too much power?

You’re not alone – nearly two thirds of Australians think so too.

There’s nothing spookier than a Big Business scare campaign

Date Published: 31/10/2023
Category: Australia Needs a Pay Rise

Happy Halloween to the Big Business lobby groups who for months have been telling spooky stories about why we can’t close the loopholes.  The truth: They’re scared of what will happen to their mega profits if they have to pay people properly.  Let’s take a look at the downright lunacy of Big Business scare campaigns….

Let’s get wages moving again – close the loopholes

Date Published: 17/10/2023
Category: Australia Needs a Pay Rise

The Closing Loopholes bill was introduced by the Albanese Government in the face of massive price gouging and profiteering by big business that caused a massive inflation spike. The new laws will increase job security, help stop wage theft, make workplaces safer, and help get wages moving again.

The Allan Fels Inquiry into Price Gouging kicks off in Melbourne

Date Published: 22/09/2023
Category: Australia Needs a Pay Rise

Yesterday the inquiry into Price Gouging and Unfair Pricing Practices commenced in Melbourne, convened by economist and former ACCC chair Professor Allan Fels and commissioned by the ACTU.

Let’s get it done: close the loopholes to improve pay and conditions for workers

Date Published: 05/09/2023
Category: Australia Needs a Pay Rise

New laws, designed to make workplaces fairer and safer for workers, have been introduced by the Albanese Government in Parliament this week.

It’s time to hold big business to account

Date Published: 22/08/2023
Category: Australia Needs a Pay Rise

From food to petrol to electricity to flights: prices everywhere are skyrocketing. As are corporate profits and executive salaries and bonuses.

You’re set to get more pay in July. Here’s how to check.

Date Published: 30/06/2023
Category: Australia Needs a Pay Rise

Whether your pay is getting a bump up and by how much depends on a few different factors. Here are three steps to help you figure out how much to expect in your next pay cycle.

Find out if you just received the nationwide pay rise

Date Published: 02/06/2023
Category: Australia Needs a Pay Rise

Good news! Around one in four workers in Australia have just won a pay rise. Find out if you’re one of them.

We’ve won a pay rise for millions of workers today

Date Published: 02/06/2023
Category: Australia Needs a Pay Rise

Australian unions have just helped secure wage increases between 5.75% and 8.6% for millions of workers.

Do Millennials and Gen Z really have it that tough?

Date Published: 21/04/2023
Category: Australia Needs a Pay Rise

They grew up during the Global Financial Crisis, survived a decade of conservative governments, and now are well and truly adults. Millennials are thirty, flirty and so not thriving.

Why a 7% increase to the minimum wage is a matter of survival

Date Published: 03/04/2023
Category: Australia Needs a Pay Rise

For workers who rely on minimum wages, the sheer cost of living doesn’t mean missing out on takeaway coffee or streaming services. Those things are already long gone. It means cutting back on basic needs because there’s nothing else left to cut.