Professor Nareen Young on what it means for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander workers to speak truth

Date Published: 07/07/2022
Category: FNWA

“Because there is such ignorance in the broader Australian community about Indigenous people and our communities and our cultures, it constantly falls on Indigenous people to make up the gaps and fill in the blanks,” Young says.


Morrison extends racist job program until 2024 

Date Published: 01/04/2022
Category: FNWA

In a huge backtrack on earlier promises, the Morrison Government has renewed the racially discriminatory Community Development Program until July 2024. 


Why ‘Harmony Day’ is another Morrison cop-out

Date Published: 21/03/2022
Category: FNWA

Have you ever heard of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination? If not, that’s exactly as the Liberal Government intended. 


On National Close the Gap Day, Morrison had nothing to show us

Date Published: 21/03/2022
Category: FNWA

National Close the Gap Day this week marked fourteen years since Close the Gap targets were first announced.

It was a time for Australians everywhere to recommit to the aims of the campaign, because the Morrison Government has continued to fail when it comes to closing the gap.


How you can take action this Reconciliation Week and beyond

Date Published: 27/05/2021
Category: FNWA Human Rights

Want to help make reconciliation a reality in the workplace? Here are some actions to get you started.


‘There is Strength in Numbers’ – a limited offer from Australian Unions

Date Published: 21/05/2021
Category: FNWA Human Rights

Australian Unions is proud to offer a limited run of the print ‘There is Strength in Numbers’ by Lara Watson, with proceeds going to the First Nation Worker’s Alliance.
