Published: 27/11/2022
Category: On The Job
Published: 27/11/2022
Category: On The Job

Australian workers are finding that what money they do earn is no longer anywhere near enough to pay the bills.

Yet, employer and business groups are sharpening their attacks on Labor’s plan to get wages moving with its “Secure Jobs Better Pay” industrial relations legislation.

Richard Denniss is the Chief Economist with the Independent think tank, The Australia Institute. 

He’s not fooled by the bleating bosses. He joins us once again on the pod to talk about the silent crisis they don’t want you to know about – The Profit Crisis.


* You can now email us with your comments, story ideas, tip-offs, flip offs, and questions – [email protected]

*On the Job is made by Australian Unions.

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About the host

Francis Leach, ACTU – @SaintFrankly

Richard Denniss and The Profit Crisis.

Richard Denniss and The Profit Crisis.