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Together we can make positive change for all workers.

When workers stand united together, we can achieve amazing things.

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Be a part of making Australian workplaces better for all

If you believe that we can make our workplaces and our lives better through taking action together, you belong in an Australian union.

Support when you need it

No one plans for things to go wrong at work, so that’s why it’s reassuring for union members to know they have access to the best employment legal advice, as well as support and information about workplace rights.

Higher wages, reliable work

Union members campaign for higher wages for everyone, but union members also earn on average $250 per week than non-union members. That’s $13,000 more on average each year in wages for union members.

Better work and society for all

So many of the basic rights that workers and all Australians receive is due to the hard-work of union members: Medicare, JobKeeper, annual leave, paid parental leave and more! Union members are making a difference where it matters most.