Take Action: Send Your Senator a Message

Date Published: 09/11/2022

Big news! The Albanese Government has just unveiled the ‘Secure Jobs, Better Pay’ Bill. The proposed new laws will help ease the cost-of-living crisis by closing loopholes that big, multinational companies use to game the system. These laws will stop the rort of multinationals outsourcing their workforces to third parties who seek to maximise overseas profits at…


Send Your Senator a Message

Date Published: 26/10/2022

Big news! The Albanese Government has just unveiled the ‘Secure Jobs, Better Pay’ Bill. The proposed new laws will help ease the cost-of-living crisis by enabling workers to bargain for decent wage increases.  To make these important new laws a reality, we need your help! To win these new rights we need the legislation to…


Tell Scott Morrison to support our Annual Wage Review claim

Date Published: 31/03/2022

Australian Unions are calling on Scott Morrison to support our claim of a 5.5% increase. Add your voice today.


Email your MP: Make RATs Free and Accessible For All

Date Published: 13/01/2022

The Morrison Government must step up to make Rapid Antigen Tests free and accessible to all.


Morrison Government abandons its attempt to introduce American-style anti-voter laws

Date Published: 22/11/2021

Good news! The Morrison Government has abandoned its proposal to introduce legislative changes that would establish right-wing American-style laws and make voting harder for hundreds of thousands of Australians. There’s no way to pretend that this proposal was anything other than an attempt from Scott Morrison to manipulate Australia’s electoral system to benefit himself, by…


Tell Your MP: We Need Secure Jobs And Safe Climate Jobs

Date Published: 20/10/2021

Can you email your MP right now to ask them to commit to deliver secure jobs and a safe climate?


Tell them: vote for ALL of Respect@Work

Date Published: 16/08/2021

Can you write to the key politicians right now to tell them they must implement ALL of Respect@Work and introduce 10 days paid family and domestic violence leave for all workers?


Tell Scott Morrison to reinstate JobKeeper

Date Published: 14/07/2021

Can you send an email to the Prime Minister right now to tell him that he must restore JobKeeper immediately?
