Stepping up our campaign to defend workers’ rights, protect job security and ensure decent wages

Published: 26/04/2022
Category: Workers rights
Published: 26/04/2022
Category: Workers rights

Australian Unions are stepping up its workplace campaign and launching TV ads in key marginal seats to warn voters that Scott Morrison has not come clean on plans to re-introduce legislation that will remove rights from workers, and put further downward pressure on wages.

The ads will run on live and catch-up TV around the country as well as on social media.

The Morrison Government is not being truthful about its IR plans, and voters deserve to know.

Last week Scott Morrison publicly disagreed with Industrial Relations Minister Michaelia Cash about whether there will be changes to the Better Off Overall Test (BOOT) under a re-elected Morrison Government and left the door open to changes, but has refused to detail which other elements of the failed IR Omnibus he would attempt to bring back.

Australians deserve to know the details of Scott Morrison’s plan to cut their wages and conditions.

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Stepping up our campaign to defend workers’ rights, protect job security and ensure decent wages

Stepping up our campaign to defend workers’ rights, protect job security and ensure decent wages